Micro Green


3rd July 2024 | 12 Views | 0 Likes

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I am your #micro green. Do you recognize me said little #seed. I am #special in sense that if it is #cold out side you can #grow crop of my #sprout -micro green. 

You may be wondering what is #sprout. 

I am seed with #hidden treasure. If you supply me with little #moist, warmth and #air and of course little #care, I will #swell in your tray with joy, and I will become #sprout with root and shoot. ,My shoot can be lengthen by few cm.I am packed with life #vital force and is full of protein , fiber and #antioxidants. 

With simple #rewarding efforts one can put handful of #soaked (12hours)seeds in #clean jar and keep them for 8-10 hours. Cover jar with #muslim cloth. Keep jar in #cool dry place where direct #sunlight is not coming. Within few hours one can see #sprout shoot is coming out. After full one day #sprout shoot length will increase and jar will be full of long fresh #healthy #nutritious sprouts. 

Friend since sprouts are full of #minerals they contribute to #health and well being of humans. 

I use moong #sprouts in making #idly, poha, upma, #stuffed paranthas. Children love it. My #western friends are so fond of my stir fried of moong sprout. The same I spread on #stale roti to make cost effective, healthy breakfast. 

Moral of story-To make cost effective healthy food one should make #maximum use of #sprouts of different typed of beans in food preparations. 

sukarma.thareja.knp @gmail.com

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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