How to Make Positive Impact in Life


20th September 2024 | 13 Views | 0 Likes

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One day one of my #bright student Radha asked me”madam how can I make #difference in my life.I wish to take some tips from you.”

To help my students and  to let them know how to make #difference in life,in co curricular activity class I asked #students the same.

One student said”One must be sound in  world of #general will not be #sufficient if one just sit on screen and do #internet searching.One must interact #socially  and talk with people.One must  #walk daily for one hour to keep oneself #physically fit.”

Other student said”one must love one’s family and extended #family.One must be a good #neighbor also.

I said”Always believe in #giving not taking from others.One  must try to  do one’s  work #oneself.Always make bridges of #friendship and not walls of #hate.Practice what you #preach,”

Another student said”one should take care of one’s #financial budget.One should also save some money for #difficult time of life.One should not get #carried away by people who do  fake #drama in life.”

I wrote  points  discussed in my co  curricular activity class in my personal note book .To implement same,I pasted the written tips on notice board of my #school.

Moral-Everybody and everything  That travel with you at one point in life ,learn #lesson from same.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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