You Should also avail Luften Time


3rd July 2024 | 7 Views | 0 Likes

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I with my friend Radha went to #science education conference in #Austria. 

It was three day conference and our poster presentation was on ₹₹third day. #Conference important talks by able researchers were #relevant and good. My self and Radha interacted with science #teacher who had come from different countries of world. 

Hotel in which we were given room to stay to attend conference was very good. It so happened we were assigned room with #three beds.  Myself  , Radha another science educator Jane was  Austria were accomodated in one room. 

One very #important concept we learnt from our friend Jane was that after every two hours Jane will open #window of our room and will tell us it is “luften time”.We asked Jane what is “luften time”.Jane said” It is #customary in Austria to open window of house to let fresh air inside.’ She further said” Due to cooking, breathing inside house air get #moist. Therefore by implementing #Luften time we make house #air fresh”

According to science findings cold temperature is good for #sleep. During cold temperatures there is release of sleep hormone #”melatonin” Through #frabineal gland in body. It is also recommended through science finding that one can make bed warm by putting hot water bottle inside but should keep window of bed room little open to get #fresh air. This method is used by #Austrian to get good sleep. 

Science education #Conference served us very good vegetarian food, which contained lot of boiled and steamed #vegetables. In breakfast we were served fresh #fruits and cookies. On academic front we got opportunity to clear our concepts of #science. Our educational science poster also was very much appreciated by various country #educators. There were many researchers who gave us many good suggestions to #&extend our small science project which we execute in our school with help of #students. Our friend Jane was a big ₹₹support for us. 

Moral-Science Education  conference gave us opportunity to #learn many new tools of science teaching.  cultural exchange #platform was our treasure. 

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