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True story of ‘Success’:
#milyin#creator#writingcommunity#quote#creativity#reality#original#inspiring#motivational#success#goodbye Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
What makes you a successful person?
#milyin#creator#writing community #quote#original#plagiarismfree#reality#creativity#writer#past#successful Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Quote about essence of Life:
#milyin#creator#writingcommunity#quote#Life#creativity#original. on December 27, 2024. Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
What is Life?
Sometimes I wonder 'What is Life?' Then my mind conjures different answers. These answers depend on the situation that I deal at that time.
Sometimes I wonder…..
#milyin#creator#writingcommunity#creativity#wonder#Villians#story on December 27, 2024. Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Trust Issue:
#milyin#creator#creativity#quote#past#inspirational#motivational#trust on December 27, 2024. Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Just a little push:
#milyin#creator#creativity#motivational#inspirtional#reality#life#struggle#monster#deal#useless#helpless#original#Prose. Sometimes such moments occur in our life when we feel completely lost.
Bitter quote about Feelings:
Are you looking for a quote that throws light on the impact of fake feelings on others? Have you felt betrayed and deceived by someone you actually cared for?
The Most Realistic Quote about Life:
#milyin#creator#creativity#quote#reality#original#real#inspiring#move on#look forward#Life#struggle Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
A Friendly Advice:
Sometimes we feel that we are not enough or we are not worthy of something or we are not capable of doing something.
Simplest Quote about Life:
#milyin#creator#creativity#writingcommunity#quote#life#simple#easy#original#reality#inspiring#motivational Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Wonders of A Smile:
We often underestimate the beautiful little things in our lives. We take them for granted. We don't value them as we get to have them without any effort.
Powerful Quote about Feeling Down:
If you are looking for a powerful Quote about feeling blue, then you are at the right place. Life is a beautiful blend of highs and lows. Sometimes we feel so joyous that we feel we are unbeatable.
Do love really die?
#milyin#creator#writingcommunity#reality#love#dies#scar#lesson#prose#change#hatred Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Quote about Life:
#milyin#writingcommunity#quote#life#creator#creativity#original#plagiarismfree#better#tears Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Fast forwarding my life:
Such moments occur in our lives when we lose our only hope. We do not see any way out. It becomes hard to even breath. Unshed tears make it impossible to live at that moment. In such a moment,
The realistic quote about ‘You’:
#milyin#creator#writingcommunity#quote#care#You#reality#original#creativity on December 27, 2024. Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Honesty is the best policy:
All of us have heard and read that 'Honesty is the best policy' Then our parents, elders and teachers have literally tried their best to infuse this saying in our lives and imprint it on our souls.
Reality about Move on:
#milyin#creator#creativity#writingcommunity#reality#moveon#prose#steps#difficult#memories Whenever you advise someone, 'Move on',
Life and Maths
Sometimes I wonder why can life not be like Maths. Why can we not solve it with formulas? You know I am good at memorizing formulas and applying them.
Waiting for a Prince
#Prince#waiting#21st century girl #reality#inspirational quote #motivational quote# saviour Are you still waiting for a Prince to come and save you? How long are you going to wait?
Following the Destination
There are two types of people in this world; the followers and the trend setters. Do not lead an easy life and be a trend-setter Discover many more Creations!
People change….
Sometimes we delve in our assumed world that those, who love us today, will love us tomorrow and days after that. We foolishly assume that their love is going to last forever.
Reason of smile 😊
It will be a totally different world if people vow to follow just a single rule; 'If you don't ease someone's pain then at least make him smile' Trust me it is not that much difficult to make someone...
Powerful Quote about Tears:
#milyin#creator#writingcommunity#quote#creativity#precious#tears#cheap on December 27, 2024. Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Quote about Attachment:
If you are looking for a quote about Attachment and dependency then you are on the right post. #milyin#creator#creativity#writingcommunity#quote#reality#experience#feelings
Survival Guide:
#milyin#creator#writingcommunity#creativity#thoughts#prose#satisfied#survival#guide#generation#experience#failure Have you ever wondered, 'why the new generation never seems to be satisfied?' Why do...
CCTV Eyes:
'CCTV is watching you'. Nowadays we often come across such sign boards in every walk of life. It often scares people and makes them give up their plan of stealing or change their plan of action.
A Drowning man catches at a straw
It was suffocating. Everything seemed to be spiralling. I tried to breath. I literally tried but I was struggling really hard.
World is grey:
Another breakup Another partnership ended Another joint family shattered Another friendship broken Another couple divorced Another person lost a job Have you noticed that all sorts of relationship are...
When life hits hard……
#prose##life#motivational quote #inspirational quote# move on # keep going. Sometimes life hits hard. Yup it sucks and it hurts like finger under knife. But we are stuck with it.
Twinkle twinkle little star ⭐
#milyin#creator#creativity#prose#plagiarism free# wishes#destiny# desires. Oh my, so Twinkle is again weeping noiselessly. Oh my poor baby, she doesn't deserve this .
Look for a solution
#milyin#creator#prose#inspirational# life#motivational# struggling #reality quote# buck up#original#plagiarism free Feeling blue? Something stuck? Life is not going as planned?
Do good have good?
Since childhood I have read stories with the moral, 'Do good have good'. I am sure that you have also read it during your academic career. When I was a child,
It’s Ok to be different
You feel that you are not like them. You have different color, caste, financial condition, mentality, personality or nature.
A Hard Day and Sweetness
#Milyin # Creator# creativity #Prose# reality# life # success # Inspirational quote# motivational# strength Life is a fine blend of joyous and painful moments.
Ignore the Rude:
Asian mothers, aunts, grandma and even elder sisters always advise Asian girl to never talk back. We, the Asian girls,
Toxic Relationship:
How long are you going to tolerate his demeaning attitude? So he insulted you again!!!! He again borrowed money from..... Is he not going to introduce you to his family this year as well?
Is Love💕 a luxury?
I have often heard, 'nah I am too busy, I don't have time to love someone' or 'my job does not allow me, I can't afford the luxury of loving someone' and the most hilarious one,
Looking for a map of life
#milyin#creativity#creator#inspirational#motivational#life#map#quote on December 27, 2024. Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Shenanigans of Toxic people
#milyin#creator#creativity#prose#life#quote#inspirational#motivational#toxic on December 27, 2024. Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Another Noteworthy Day
#milyin#creator#creativity#quote#life#day#noteworthy#plagiarismfree#reality on December 27, 2024. Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
All you need
#milyin#creativity#creator#writer#quote#reality#break#original#plagiarismfree#inspirational#motivational#Personal Discover many more Creations!
Karma never misses
#milyin#creator#creativity#prose#quote#inspirational#motivational#faith#justice#wait#reality#struggle Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Second chance
#milyin#creator#creativity#reality#quote#original#dilemma#gem#chance#inspirational#motivational#life Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Lover and Gps:
#milyin#creator#creativity#prose#quote#reality#love#original#writing community#motivational#faith#GPS Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Can you forgive cheating?
#milyin#creator#creativity#quote#reality#honesty#forgiveness#cheating#cheator on December 27, 2024. Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Powerpact Quote about Cheaters
#milyin#creator#creativity#quote#realitty#cheater#slogan#harsh on December 27, 2024. Explore this and many more Creations at Milyin.
Cherish your relations:
Emily is still mourning the death the death of his son even after months. I feel sorry for her. He was a fine teenager, an obedient one but he was not a quick learner.
People pleaser:
Lisa: Hey Hone! I need your help brother. You know only you can help me out.
What is Love?
An unexplored territory, A sweet melody, A amazing warmth, A forbidden fruit, A vicious cycle, An unexplainable joy,
60 Post Celebrations
Good morning 🌞🌞🌞🌞 So all my friends at Milyin, I wish this morning fills your life with the desired colors that you desperate want to have in your life.
Be cherished:
Everyone deserves to be cherished. Everyone is worthy of love, care and loyalty. But unfortunately only few know the real meaning of living. Life can be spent but it should be lived.
Darkness and Dawn:
Priceless lessons of life Are usually taught by the cheap people. Yes it sounds weird and even weirder to read but it's reality.
Darkness exposes loyalty:
'A Friend in need is a friend indeed' I am sure all of us have read or heard this somewhere. It is a well-proven fact though.
Thinking to forgive a cheater:
A single act of cheating serves as a massive hole in the boat of the relationship. No matter how hard you try, it is bound to sink.