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Just a little push:

    Nida Sohail
    0 Likes | 4 Views | Sep 12, 2024


    Sometimes such moments occur in our life when we feel completely lost. We know that we have already dealt with some extreme situations before as well, still we even doubt ourselves. We lose faith in ourselves. We feel useless and helpless. But you know what, we can deal with whatever crap is thrown towards us. It's just that we need a little encouragement. We need just that push. 

     The push that says "Chin up, you can do it".

    For this push we often rely on our loved ones, our family, friends or mentors. But even by some unlucky stroke of faith, you are unable to see any loved one of yours at that particular moment, then my dear, just say it to yourself.  So do not lose hope. Just believe that it's a test. So whatever disaster is being thrown towards you, is just another test and you can easily nail it. Go go for it. And look bravely in the eyes of your monster and smile "Yes, I can do it!".