The end is here; marching towards us As we hold hands of each other It’s time to loosen the grip And accept our fate to go further.
The cold wind blew, Under the black leaves, long branches, While I bequeath my soul To the grass beneath;Â Weeping. My eyes are cursed; Stolen; By the sin, Which trilled heavily.
The Man Who Died Standing
The cold wind blew,Under the black leaves,
Court Of Thorns And Roses
I stand and play,For days and daysI play;With a violin and a bow,Wearing blue frock,
Lost Smile
She in hunger; in despair Travels the woods With no care. Searching for food, She comes across a tree As the tree cooed For the one thing she need. She sat under the tree,
His Burdens
God, give me thine strength To provide,
Hanging Gardens
An ancient wonder built,For his love;None other architecture like this,For to prove.Hanging Garden Of Babylon,The first ever build,But now not to be found,And none other architect so skilled.The fruit...
Moo-moo Cow
Moo-moo cowWhat do you eat?I love to chow A sweet little treat.Moo-moo cow What colors do you like?It is my vow To love black and white.Moo-moo cow Where do you live?I live in this townI guess I belie...
Iron Soul
Existing and wandering,Here and there,
White Tress
Your right eyeDepicted art,And sorrowful rocksYour left.Might that’s the world needs.War and declaration.Let passion growFrom seed to roots to a tree.Polarizing light heal the wounds With chariot of t...