Benefits Of Running With A Weighted Vest

Benefits Of Running With A Weighted Vest

12th September 2024 | 2 Views | 0 Likes

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Running is a form of strength training, so could you tell me why you need to use a weighted vest? The growing evidence of the benefits of using weights has made people experiment with them in their #exercise programs. Strength training has long-term #health #benefits, recent #research has found that people who incorporate #strength #training are less prone to dying prematurely than those who don’t. Even 30 to 60 minutes a week of strength training is enough to get the desired benefits. The U.S. exercise guidelines recommend that adults must strength train all the major muscles at least twice a week. So, if you love running, the #benefits of #running with a weighted vest are worth trying.

Understanding Weighted Vest

Weighted Vest

A #weighted #vest is worn on the upper part of the body and is filled with weights. 

In appearance, it looks like a bulletproof jacket.

The weighted vest is designed to spread weights evenly around your upper body.

This helps you feel the extra #resistance while still being able to move your body freely.

Different Types of Vests Available

There are primarily two types of weighted vests, and the choice depends on various factors.

A.) Plate Type Weighted Vest 

The vests are long and have slim panels or pockets to put the steel plates, which provides the weight.

Usually, the pockets or panels are evenly distributed so that steel plates can be loaded evenly.

B.) Block Type Weighted Vest 

These vests are shorter and sit higher on the body. 

B  Block-type weighted vests have small bricks that fit into the pockets on the vest for weight.

    The weight can be adjusted by adding or removing the bricks.

Benefits Of Running With A Weighted Vest 3

    Benefits of Running with a Weighted Vest

The following benefits of running with a weighted vest are all research-based:

1.) Increases the Intensity of Running

Wearing a weighted vest while running increases the training load and makes your muscles work harder.

This can be seen through an increase in oxygen consumption and the production of more lactic acid in the muscles. 

For a runner, this makes his training more effective and intense. 

By giving more challenge to your muscles, you can become a better and faster runner through a weighted vest.

2.) A Weighted Vest Can Help You Run Faster 

Researchers have found that wearing a weighted vest has induced sprint performance.

It was observed that sprinting for 3 minutes with a vest that was 10% of the body weight made athletes work the hardest and run 20 meters the fastest.

The authors even recommended that soccer players wear these vests during warm-ups after a break to run faster.

A small study found that long-distance runners increased their peak speed by 2.9% after training with a weighted vest.

As per the research, sports scientists and coaches should include short, high-intensity sprints with a weighted vest to improve running performance.

3.) Gives Cardiovascular Benefits 

A weighted vest improves the cardiovascular condition of the body by increasing the VO2 consumption, ventilation, and heart rate.

Research has shown that running with a weighted vest makes your heart and lungs work harder.     

It is seen as equally effective for both sexes.

Both men and women were seen using more oxygen, breathing faster, and having higher heart rates.

All the above shows that running with a weighted vest makes the cardiovascular system work harder and strengthens it.

Benefits Of Running With A Weighted Vest 1

4.) Helps in Weight Loss 

Exercising with a weighted vest burns more calories, which helps with losing weight.

As the body uses more energy, it boosts the metabolism which helps in maintaining a healthy weight.

5.) Builds Stamina

Wearing a weighted vest aims to give your muscles additional push and increase their strength.

This helps in building stamina and performing physical activities for longer periods.

6.) Better Utilization of Carbs for Running 

Studies have shown that by exercising with a weighted vest, men have shown a shift toward carbohydrate oxidation.

This means that their bodies utilize carbohydrates better for energy during exercise. 

This helps in sustaining the performance for longer periods.

They were able to burn more carbs and less fat.

Women also burn more carbs and less fat, but not as much as men.

7.) Improved Bone Density 

Weighted vests are often recommended for people who want to prevent osteopenia or osteoporosis because they put more pressure on the joints, helping to strengthen the bones.

A study showed that older women who wore weighted vests during exercise kept more bone mass than those who didn’t.

The benefits of running with a weighted vest involve making the bones stronger and denser, leading to lesser susceptibility to falls, breakage, or fractures.

Benefits Of Running With A Weighted Vest 4

8.) Brings Variety to Running Exercise

Weighted vests can be a good option to bring more variety to one’s exercise routine.

By adding or removing weights, you can change the intensity and challenge of your workout.

This variation will prevent making your running routine a monotonous one.

Additionally, it can help you engage your muscles in new, different, and more challenging ways.

9.) Improved Posture and Balance 

Wearing a weighted vest makes the upper body muscles such as the back, shoulders, and core work hard to support.

As these muscles get stronger, they help in a proper posture.

However, remember that using a vest that’s not the right size or adding too much weight too quickly can harm your form. 

Potential Risks of Running with a Weighted Vest

Despite the many benefits of running with a weighted vest, there are also potential risks.

It is advisable to consider the following tips:

  • ·       Decide your running goals to determine the type & weight of the vest.
  • ·       Choose a weighted vest of a reputable brand and read the reviews before buying it.
  • ·       Choose a customizable vest that allows for easy addition or removal of weights.
  • ·       Check if the vest is comfortable enough for you to perform exercises before making a buy decision.
  • ·       Check the quality of the material used in making a vest. Look for padded shoulder straps and breathable materials to avoid overheating.
  • ·       Start slowly when it comes to adding weights to the vest. Adding too much weight too early can lead to injuries.
  • ·       As you build strength and stamina, increase the weights gradually. For beginners, the weight should be around 5-10% of their body weight.
  • ·       Make sure the weights are evenly distributed to avoid unnecessary strain.
  • ·       Make sure the vest does not restrict full-body motion especially needed for running.          
  • ·       If you have certain joint problems or severe osteoporosis, then avoid using a weighted vest.
  • ·       Before incorporating a weighted vest as a part of your exercise program, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor or physician.
  • ·       If at any point you feel discomfort while using a weighted vest, you must immediately stop using it and consult a physician.

Takeaway Message

There are multiple benefits to using weights in our workouts, including improved bone health, cardiovascular health, mood, muscle strength, brain power, strength, stamina, and agility.

Similarly, the benefits of running with a weighted vest are numerous and long-lasting.

By choosing a vest that aligns well with your fitness goals, you can take your running experience to the next level.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the writer’s opinions and should not be considered a substitute for an expert’s advice.

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