My Grandmother Wisdom —


12th September 2024 | 10 Views | 0 Likes

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My #grandmother  used to live in Punjab. In summer holidays we used to visit her. She was a very #positive and #hardworking lady. She taught us many things  which I still use in my life. 

She was a early riser and will make us(grand children)rise in morning. She believed in #recycling of paper. She will make us #soak papers in water and then will put #multani mitti in it and from mixture we will make good baskets. All #wrapping papers ,she used to store for her grandchildren.She used to help us kids to use that paper in  making cover of all reading books available at home.

Summer used to be time for #raw mangoes. She used to make many variety of mango #pickels for. She will take our help in making those pickels. I still use her #recepies to make mango pickels. 

When ever my grand mother will #boil vegetables, with water of boiled vegetables she will make #soup for us. Same procedure I still follow. 

With dried #orange peels and #black gram floor my grandmother will make body scrub for us. This procedure taught us how to make #chemical free scrub for body. 

My grandma was friendly with her neighbors and that’s why people in her #neighborhood were so kind to us(grand children). Now I realize this was so because my #grandparents were not self centered. They always were eager to solve #neighborhood problems if they could. This  way my grandparents had earned so much #good will from neighbors. So neighbors in return used to treat us (grand children)with kind #Jesters. 

After finishing her house hold #chores my grandma will teach us #mental maths tricks. Same I am using till today. She has  art of winning her children’s heart so much so that we #grandchildren never wished to come back from #grand parents house. 

Now after growing old I realize how much I have learnt from my #grandma. Her every teaching is precious treasure for us which I am passing on to my #daughters. I miss my #grandmother every moment. 


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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