Spending time with grandchildren is like getting bonus time in life.
Spending time with grandchildren is like getting bonus time in life.
This small article about black berries-Jamun describes how useful is jamun fruit and jamun tree to mankind.
In small article author compares senior citizen as yellow leaves of Basant-Spring season.
Grandmothers are full of wisdom. They have lot of patience in doing their house hold work. Their way of approaching day to day problem was #scientifically based and #cost effective.
We always wish, our children should do better than us. So #jealous emotions has no place in life.
Grandparents are #jewels of family. Their experience is #treasure for grandchildren. They teach grandchildren every thing with love and affection. They never get #angary.
Children do face problems in their #social life. Some time there are emotional, #health issues. Parents observe best solution to ₹₹problem come from children #themselves.
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