Let Children Resolve Their Own issue


12th September 2024 | 11 Views | 0 Likes

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I am science #teacher in government school. With grace of ₹₹God I am grand mother to little kids who go in #primary school. 

When ever I get time I visit my #grand children very fondly. I do help them, advise them in their #work and problems which they #face in day to day life. But  my strong observation is children find out ₹solution to their own problems and that path make them #wise strong individual. To #support my observations my submissions are following. 

1.My grand son is prone to #allergies. As soon as winter #starts he will start getting little #cough. But treat ment with #antibiotics does not help him much. But still he used to believd in taking #antibiotics instead of turmeric milk suggested by me, ayurvedic remedy to #boost immune system of body. But suddenly he realised when ever he takes #turmeric milk at night he gets relieved in #symptoms of cough. Up to our surprise when ever he faces problems of cough he himself reminds his mother and says”mom kindly serve me hot one cup turmeric milk before sleeping as I get benefited with same”

Moral- one can give #suggestions to handle the problem child is #facing but best solution to problems come from #children themselves. Therefore parents should give children enough #space and time to #resolve their issues. 

sukarma.thareja.knp @gmail.com

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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