I forgot my password? How do I change it?

Hey Creator,

If you remember the password and want to reset it. Follow the following steps:

We see that you are not logged in to Milyin, this action requires you to be a logged in user, theerefore before moving ahead please Login to your Milyin account. If you need help you can go to these pages, logging In or registering to Milyin.

  • If you are not logged in, go to Log in. Type your username and password and get into your account.
  • Now, go to Reset Password.
  • Type your current password. This is the password that you just used to log in to your account.
  • Thereafter, enter the New Password. It is the password you want for your account from here on.
  • Type the same password in Confirm Password. Remember “New Password” and “Confirm Password” should match.
  • Click “Update Password’, and wait for a confirmation message.

If you don’t remember the password, refer to Forgot Password.