
Sometimes A Single Smile Can Make Someone's Day 20240801 010336 0000

Move on:

Are you still enduring that insulting boss of yours?Do you still feel stagnant in your never promoting position?Are you still scared of moving ahead?Are you still tolerating your rude partner?Are you still trusting your lying friend? Actually people always feel afraid of moving ahead. Unforeseen future scares them so they continue bearing injustice and stay stagnant in the very place in which you don’t want… Read More »Move on:

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Survival Guide:

#milyin#creator#writingcommunity#creativity#thoughts#prose#satisfied#survival#guide#generation#experience#failure Have you ever wondered,   “why the new generation never seems to be satisfied?” Why does everyone seem to be floating? Why does everyone fail to keep a hold on one’s situations ? What is the reason of their constant discontentment? Well as far as my personal experience is concerned, I think I have always seen a dead-end whenever I neglected my mother’s advise. Seems… Read More »Survival Guide:

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Reality about Move on:

#milyin#creator#creativity#writingcommunity#reality#moveon#prose#steps#difficult#memories Whenever you advise someone, “Move on”, the first response we usually get is:                “It is easier said than done”. But my dear being stuck in that very painful moment is not going to let you live. Yes you will continue to breath but it is not living. So if you really want to live your life then… Read More »Reality about Move on:

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Fast forwarding my life:

Such moments occur in our lives when we lose our only hope. We do not see any way out. It becomes hard to even breath. Unshed tears make it impossible to live at that moment.  In such a moment, only one thought pops up and shatters our mentality that why is life moving at a snail’s pace? The agonizing slow pace of life seems motionless… Read More »Fast forwarding my life:

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#milyin#writingcommunity#creator#prose#creativity#reality#Life#different#original#Pretend. We all pretend to be someone totally different and we all lie. Some do it regularly while others do it occasionally. But we all pretend. We act and play our role in this damn drama called life. Some act so well that we believe that lies in a blink of an eye. At the sametime, some find it so hard that they start stuttering.… Read More »Pretence:

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Just a little push:

#milyin#creator#creativity#motivational#inspirtional#reality#life#struggle#monster#deal#useless#helpless#original#Prose. Sometimes such moments occur in our life when we feel completely lost. We know that we have already dealt with some extreme situations before as well, still we even doubt ourselves. We lose faith in ourselves. We feel useless and helpless. But you know what, we can deal with whatever crap is thrown towards us. It’s just that we need a little encouragement. We… Read More »Just a little push:

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Lover and Gps:

#milyin#creator#creativity#prose#quote#reality#love#original#writing community#motivational#faith#GPS

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Karma never misses
