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Survival Guide:

#milyin#creator#writingcommunity#creativity#thoughts#prose#satisfied#survival#guide#generation#experience#failure Have you ever wondered,   “why the new generation never seems to be satisfied?” Why does everyone seem to be floating? Why does everyone fail to keep a hold on one’s situations ? What is the reason of their constant discontentment? Well as far as my personal experience is concerned, I think I have always seen a dead-end whenever I neglected my mother’s advise. Seems… Read More »Survival Guide:

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Why We Say, Failure Is The Pillar Of Success ?

Failure and success are the two most important factors of our life. We all know that every person has a struggle story. And at the time of that struggle a person has to bear the failure. Because there is a say that “Failure is the pillar of success”.
Success :- Success comes from hard work.
Failure :- Without doing hard work if you want success then you will definitely fail.