We all know that every person has a struggle story. And at the time of that struggle a person has to bear the failure and has to welcome the success. Because there is a say that "Failure is the pillar of success".
As we know every successful person has a past in which he/she had both good and bad experiences. So no one in this world has a stable life. Like the climate, human life is also always changing. The biggest truth of the world is the happiness comes after sorrow and sorrow comes after happiness.
Success :- Success comes from hard work. Hard work comes from dedication and determination. If You are dedicated towards Your goal then automatically You will work hard. Secondly you must have punctual. So everything depends upon you and no one can bring the success for you.
Failure :- There are two types of failure.
- Without doing hard work some people want success. But these types of people can't get success. And they only blame others for their failure.
- After working hard with a strong dedication if you can't succeed then it is only for the lack of your confidence.
- And some people works hard with dedication and confidence but they don't have time management skill. So they also got failed. Because time never waits for anyone.
But Why We Say That , Failure Is The Pillar of Success ?
A failure person only knows what failure is. Because after the failure there are too much obstacles came in our life. And if we handle the situation with patience then success automatically touch our feet. Because a hard working failure person only knows the mistake what he/she had done. Failure time's experiences inspires us to understand the cause and get the success. But if we get success from the beginning to end then we can't experience the pain of the failure. But By chance if we fail in our life after getting continuous success then we have to consider the failure as a big lesson for our life from which we have to learn many things. Because failure teaches us about the difficulties of the life.
So if you fail in your life then don't consider it as a bad thing. We have to consider it as a lesson and we have to learn how to stay strong in the difficulties. So we have to keep patience in that time and after that, time will give you the return gift.
"There should be courage, Life can start from anywhere. So work hard, Keep patience and be punctual."
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