

Use of Cosmetics—

Aging gracefully  without use of cosmetics  is unique concept. In hight tech world some body practicing same is difficult to believe.


घरौंदा 🏠🏠

मिट्टी से जोड़े अपने सपने छोटे-छोटे, रंग-बिरंगे अपने। नन्हे हाथों की मेहनत प्यारी, हर कोने की छटा है कितनी न्यारी। छोटा सा दरवाज़ा, छोटी सी दीवार, खुशियों से सजा वह छोटा सा संसार। पत्तों का परदा ,फूलों का झूमर, घरौंदे में सजी एक नार ,ओढ़े लाल चूनर। बारिश में कभी बहे जो पानी, फिर से बनाएं, न रूके कहानी। इठलाती धूप में सजा सा आंगन,… Read More »घरौंदा 🏠🏠

I Never felt The Change

Life is a beautiful journey. One has to accept it. But one must live in present environment with full potential. One must enjoy every moment of same.

Ghostly Time -Quote

Time is mysterious merchant in one’s life.It virtually promises one many things in life which one is not sure to get but one still goes in direction of time.

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Monsoon Diaries

monsoon dairies is about the rainy season which take me to my childhood memories. Watching the rainy pouring outside, washing all the negativity and refreshing the environment with optimistic attitude.