It was easier when we were strangers
Now that we know so much about each other
How can I just pretend I know nothing about you
When all I know is you only.
Yes, people don’t stay forever
But that was for ‘people’ right?
Then why you
When I thought you weren’t just “people ” for me.
Now when I see you
More than any other emotions it’s just me….
Proving myself right
Exit sign’s flashing
Palms sweating
“I told “
“I told, you would walk away”
I thought ‘you’ were the one who would prove me wrong.
But there was no one better than you to prove me right.
Some sleepless nights,
When all I remember is you.
You sleep peacefully as if,
it was everything you could ever do .
” Walking away ” was it really that easy?
Might be, might be the for the one
who never saw the beauty .
For me it was like walking down never ending path….
Bare foot ,over million red burning rocks .
But my foot never burnt,
The way my heart did.
~ Adreezaa Das