Whispers of the Sky: Raindrops’ Melodic Descent


12th September 2024 | 10 Views | 0 Likes

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As clouds grow heavy,

 burdened by their plight,

They release their tears,

 cascading from great heights.

Each drop a whisper from the heavens above,

Bathing the earth in nature’s gentlest love.

The raindrops fall,

in a choreographed display,

A symphony of rhythm,

a mystical ballet.

Tip-tapping on leaves,

a percussive embrace,

Creating melodies,

 with nature’s grace.

In each raindrop’s kiss,

 secrets are unveiled,

Transforming the mundane,

as stories are exhaled.

They cleanse the world,

washing away the past,

Refreshing the spirit,

restoring souls at last.

They dance on rooftops,

 like playful sprites,

Glistening on petals,

reflecting vibrant lights.

They quench the thirst of fields,

 the longing of the earth,

Nourishing life’s canvas,

from death to rebirth.

Embracing the soil,

they breathe life anew,

Reviving dormant seeds,

 painting landscapes true.

They wash away sorrows,

like tender caresses,

Offering solace,

as nature convalesces.

In rain’s gentle touch,

 dreams take flight,

Whispering secrets,

 both sacred and bright.

They bring solace to hearts,

 in times of despair,

Granting hope, a reminder

that life’s burdens we can bear.

So, let us cherish each drop’s tender kiss,

As they adorn the world with nature’s bliss.

In their ephemeral beauty,

they hold mysteries untold,

The raindrops’ symphony,

a story to unfold.

Remya Anoop



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