I was sleeping, in my sleep #liquid x came into my dreams.
He said
I have many formats,
I love my all formats,
When I fall from sky people call me #rain,
When I go toward sky I am called as #steam,
When I get frozen and fall from sky I am called as #hailstone
When I am present on parts of plant I am called #dew drops
When I am extracted from parts of plant I am called Attra/#perfume,
When I am fresh in nature and is surrounded by land I am called #lake,
When I am in fresh form and start flowing I am called #river
When I have #boundries I creat life
When my bounries have no limits I take form of #destruction weapon,
When I fall down from eyes I am called #tears,
When I come out of skin I am called #perspiration
When I touch feet of almighty and start flowing
People consider me as format of liquid containing energy of #God ,
Madam these are my different formats all are very important for human beings
Since you are a teacher I request you to make your students familiar with my each form.
I realised it is a dream and its time for me to go to school.
Taking inspiration from my dream I taught my students different form of essential liquid/ water which make #impact in our day to day life.
I am thankful to gentelman x coming in my dream and inspiring me to do something knowledgable and #useful.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK