Juno, the queen of the gods decided, "I shall reward the animal with the most beautiful baby."
Soon, all the animal mothers gathered in front of Juno with their babies. The tigress, the lioness and the mother bear came with their cubs. The kangaroo carried her baby in her pouch. Juno inspected all the animal babies one by one. She stopped when she came to the she-monkey and her baby.
"The monkey baby has to be the ugliest baby," Juno remarked cruelly, "Look at its flat nose and ugly face! This baby will never get the prize."
The monkey baby started crying as the mother held her baby close and whispered, "Don't worry, my beautiful one. I don't want any prize, as you are the prize that I cherish the most. To me, you are more beautiful than any other baby." The monkey mother looked at Juno angrily and the queen of the gods realised her mistake.
"I have realised today that a mother's love has no equal," Juno said.
