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Emotionless Zombie—-

    Sukarma Thareja

    12th November 2024 | 15 Views | 0 Likes

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    My father always used to say”since you are in teaching #profession,  therefore my sincere  advise to you is treat yourself well. Do practice  honesty, hard work and kindness in class room #teaching. I am saying you so as at the end we all are going to become  stories in #history.”

    I said ” father, I understand, you mean to say I should try to act as emotionless #Zombie while teaching, like our dedicated  teachers.”

    My father said” yes my child!.to act as emotionless  Zombie you can always talk outside #politics/religion/personal details.”

     I said”it means father!  I should talk  other than politics/religion grounds, example like about #sports,   #hobbies, #TV/ movies etc. If need arises these  above mentioned topic grounds can be taken up  during  class room teaching .This approach in class room teaching  lead teacher to peaceful, cool and relaxed life.”

    I Quietly Hum—–

    Sukarma Thareja

    Alumnus IITK


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