Everything has changed,
A bit of me, a bit of you,
The love has vanished,
In the greed of wants ,
Time isn't responsible ,
Priorities have changed,
Our relation is in darkness,
we've lost that frankness,
The 3 am talks,
Those hand-in-hand walks,
People talk shit,
The reason is your trust is unfit,
The promise you made ,
Are now all dead,
Kissing that night is now all about fight,
Laughing all together is now no more further ,
All our gratitude Has changed into attitude,
Our Ego is on top,
And our friendship doesn't last,
You are not mine I am not your's,
You are not you I am not me,
And in the end everything I know is,
Everything has changed...
has changed.....!!!
#milyin #blog #poem #life #Quotes #creation