My Views: Is Vocal Media Worth it to Make Money Online?

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14th September 2024 | 15 Views | 0 Likes

Disclaimer from Creator: Some parts of this story may available to my other story on Vocal Media. I take the full responsibility of these stories.

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Hi! I am Pankaj Suyal. As a professional and passionate writer, I always eager to write for different platforms. In the last three years, I have tried many applications to make money online. Recently, I had tried vocal media, a platform for writers.

In this article, I am going to explain is vocal media worth it? Is it a good option for writers to make money online by writing? This is based on my experience after writing on Voacl media.

Let me know you that I am active writer on medium, the best writing platform for writers across the world. I share valuable information regarding online money making and writing tips. You can follow me on medium by clicking here. – Is it Worth it? My Views

Images 2024 09 14t125310.565 is an amazing platform for writers who have very good grasp on their niche. You will earn $3.80 as free Vocal writer while paid members earn $6 per 1000 reads. New writers and stories are unnoticed on Vocal and you can only earn good money by taking part in challenges.

Last week, I had write my first story on and believe me extremely hard to write with mobile.

Yes, prefer to write short stories via mobile especially in the night time. While writing this, I can say the editor of vocal is not much good for mobile.

It doesn’t has a mobile app for writers as as medium has and this is the big drawback. I think lacking is feature also restricting new writers to write frequently on this platform.

So, is vocal media worth it? Direct answer is No and it is due to its bad writing editor, low pays, and no proper distribution if stories. I am not here to counting to the negatives of Vocal media but to share my views about the platform.

When comes to the positives, the earning options are excellent and biggest positive (however, these are again restricted to the Vocal+ members). Still, it worth mentioning.

I also like one of intriguing feature of Vocal, the various options it offer before you make the final publishing. Especially, the AI label to let users know if the content is AI.

Am I Going to Write Regularly on Vocal?

Probably, Yes. If I got time. I have no scarcity of ideas and topics, I have a lot to share with the readers. However, by experiencing the vocal editor, I am not much optimistic. I am expecting improvement on the editor of Vocal.

Second thing is that Vocal media pays very less when I compare it to other platforms like medium. You, as a free member of vocal can only earn $3.80 per 1000 reads which is extremely low.

However, the bad part is that Vocal media failed to distribute your stories to the readers while medium do it beautifully. Overall, for a new writer, who want to make money, vocal media not worth your time and efforts.

Don’t forget to connect with me on Medium. Thank You for today.

Pankaj Suyal



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