God- The Superhero


12th September 2024 | 14 Views | 0 Likes

Disclaimer from Creator: This story has been narrated to me by my Prinicipal Mam to our 10th Grade seniors. I have added some on my own.

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 Innumerable people live in this world. Some live in safety, some in danger, some in poverty, some in luxury, some in village while some in city. Every person have different challenges, situations, difficulties, exams in their daily life. We are humans, part and parcel of the Lord live accordingly unknown of the fate. Fate is a small thing to say, we are even unaware of what is going to happen in the next minute. But we do not stop living, right? We nano beings also surrender our problems, worries and prayers to him and continue with our life. Such was our brother Gopi.

Gopi was a poor boy who lived in a small village. His father Kishore worked in fields rigorously to provide living for his family and to provide education for his son. His mother Janani was ill and bedridden. She needed immense care. Gopi, being their only child was a ray of hope. He was their happiness, uplifter from their poverty, successor of their family, their treasure, their expectation etc. Just like we are of our parents irrespective of we being a single child or with siblings. Growing in such poverty, Gopi never lost hope. He was filled with enthusiasm and determination. He vowed to give all the joy to his parents.

Seeing his mother’s condition Gopi pledged to become a doctor. Irrespective of the situation of his house, Gopi attended his school. But the problem was it was very far from home. He had to walk through the narrow path, cross the mountains and valleys. He was too poor to even afford shoes. So he had to walk barefoot. Even Janani was ill, Kishore was a farmer and he needed to be on the fields on time. So nobody could accompany him. Facing all of them he attended his school. Being a obedient student, he was following his teachers instructions, doing homework regularly, studying sincerely. Apart from all of these, he did his own self-study. Such a bright student Gopi was. His teachers and friends loved him for his humble behavior and sharpness in his studies. His grade 5 class teacher Madhavdas Sir was impressed by this behavior of Gopi and with his sincerity towards the studies. He topped all the exams making his teacher impressed. Madhavdas Sir voluntarily took all his expenses in his education which made life easier for Gopi.
Gopi also trusted his hero more than himself. Now all of you maybe wondering who was that hero. That hero is none other than the Lord himself. He surrendered himself to the Lord fully and did everything. His day always began by thanking his hero for the giving another day to live, to do something, to breathe without any trouble. He did not complain to him for his poverty-stricken life. He chanted his verses, studied for two hours and left for his school at 8am. Not only this but also after returning from school he would again chant his names, thank him, talks to him about the day, helps his father in the chores, spends time with his beloved parents. This routine went on regularly. But this peace in Gopi’s village was disrupted by a threatening news.
A kidnapper was responsible for this. He would kidnap the kids, take them to an unknown location, kill them and throw their bodies in any random location. This news spread widely like a fire in the village. The cops were unable to catch the kidnapper cum murderer of the kids. He outsmarted every move, every trap, every trick of the cops which left him uncaught and the so-called murderer continued his heinous deed. Fear of this uncaught murderer invaded the peace of the village. Parents took precautions to protect their kid. They did not leave any chance to safeguard their kids. Even Gopi’s parents were worried for him.
Since nobody accompanied Gopi to his school due to Janani’s condition and Kishore’s work, they pleaded him to stop going to the school until the kidnapper is caught. Optimistic Gopi never lost his hope, never bent down in front of this serious situation and left for his regular routine. Even on that day, when Gopi was getting ready for his school Kishore stopped him, ‘Son, please do not go to school. That kidnapper is not caught. We will not be able to come to drop you. You know your mother is unwell. I am unable to come with you due to my work. I cannot avoid it. We will not stay in peace until you come back. You will be all alone. Who will protect you?’….Gopi interrupted. ‘Father, your concern is right in your place but trust my hero he is there with me.’ Saying this, Gopi left for his school with a cheerful face. But still Kishore looking down to the floor said with a sad face, ‘That demon is not your hero, my son. He does not hesitate to kill. May your hero protect you.’ Kishore continued with his work. Janani prayed laying on the bed for the safety of her son. Everything went good for Gopi. He did not have a trace of fear on his face.
He attended the school, paid attention in the class, spent time with his friends and left for home as usual at 5pm. As usual he had to cross the narrow path which had the mountains. He was enjoying the walk, the path. But Gopi remembered his concern for his parents and prayed to the Lord, ‘Hero, please help me to walk this narrow path. You know my parents are concerned for me. Please answer their prayers.’ Praying this he continued his journey. He walked, walked and walked. His wide smile vanished when he saw a stranger. That stranger was looking at Gopi with a creepy smile. Gopi was shivered. The sight of the stranger sent him chills down his spine. But Gopi mustered some courage and crossed the path. Gopi took a relief when he reached home. His parents waited for him eagerly. He embraced his parents. Thanked his hero, bowed in front of him and chanted his verses. Seeing Gopi tensed, his parents enquired him about the reason. Gopi told them everything. His parents were shocked but relieved to see their son back. At night, when Gopi and his parents were about to have a dinner he heard someone knock on the door. Kishore opened the door and saw Ramesh, his best friend. Kishore said, ‘Ramesh, you have come. Come inside. Let us have food together.’ Ramesh was huffing he held Kishore’s hand and said, ‘Kishore, please come fast. Son, please bring your mother also.’ Saying this he dragged Kishore’s hand followed by Gopi holding his unwell mother carefully. Kishore asked all his way to Ramesh, ‘What happened? Is everything fine?’ 
They reached Ramesh’s house in which his television was on and a news was going on. It said ‘Finally the demon of children caught. ‘ Watching this brought a huge relief to all of the people watching it. The murderer was caught. The police enquired him about why he kidnapped the girl, why was he doing all this and more questions. To which the kidnapper replied, ‘After the boy left, I saw the girl coming, I found her alone. So…’.Before the kidnapper could complete another officer stopped him and asked, ‘Wait! A boy?? Which boy are you speaking about? You kidnapped and killed the children irrespective of their gender. Why u didn’t kidnap him?’ To which the kidnapper replied, ‘I had already planned to attack the boy. He was shivering. I was about to kidnap him just like I did before. Before I could do I saw a man behind him. And I was unable to execute my plan on him. When he left, I saw the girl all alone and kidnapped her.’
Hearing this, Gopi jumped with joy and was shouting, ‘Yeah, my Hero was with me. My Hero was with me.’ To which all turned their eyes from television. Ramesh stood confused while Gopi was jumping with joy with his parents thanking the Lord. Confused Ramesh asked them the reason of their joy and gratitude. To which Kishore replied, ‘My dear friend, the boy mentioned by the kidnapper was none other than my son, Gopi himself. And the person accompanied with him was his ‘Hero’. To which Gopi corrected him, ‘No Father not Hero, he is “Superhero”. Yeah’ While Gopi was engrossed in thanking his Hero and was jumping with joy. Kishore, Janani and Ramesh turned to the television to know about the further details of the kidnapper.

(Image Source: Google)
Thank you!!
6133_Vishnupriya Pillai



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