An Excerpt from The A.I Wars CHP: 1

    Captain Doubloon
    0 Likes | 3 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Well about 300 years from now due to rise of the A.I technology human life became a lot efficient and humans were just like sloths [he means they became a damn lazy ass],that’s when an idiot name Prof. Galileo parthasarthy came forward with an idea of A.I masters.

    Yes! That’s this where these shit begun, well let me tell you how does these shit works and why was it needed?

    Well you see due to rise A.I technology ability to control A.I became a huge problem and cause it was necessary to control A.I’s that’s why it was important. Now if you think why I am explaining these cause it was just... cause ebb it… i.. it’s  my hobby! [He doesn’t have an exact explanation me neither]

    Let’s continue from where I stopped ya to overcome this problem a shith…a miraculous bas.. Ahem! a person appeared that’s who was prof. Galileo with his crazy idea in which a person were to go through a certain surgery through which the person gets an certain A.I A.I beast is the A.I it can be an animal, beast from myths, hybrid, etc…

    Hell yeah! Now don’t think that you’ll get a dragon just because you did a surgery, Cause an A.I which the person gets is design by their own personality and because of that to get a dragon as an A.I beast ratio is 1 in millions [he basically means it’s rare] . I know you might think that does every human have an A.I well if I make it in yes! They do have but it’s not every has an A.I which helps them in fights, with these if you think that what the government gets is simply super human’s man power.