A balanced deit and well maintained lifestyle is the key to healthy living with better weight control. There are lots of ways you can lose weight starting by making small changes in your daily eating habbits and physical routine. Carrying too much weight around has numerous disadvantages like high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and heart stroke. Neglecting these aspects would narrate a tale about your health condition being at deaths door. To sustain your health condition exercise is necessary. Moreover The world heath organization who defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity ". So don't be a couch potato get up and let's burn calories. Wish to lose weight as easily as your temper. Here are some tips for weight loss.
1. Rest and Sleep
2. Post workout meals
3. Exercise
4. Water
5. Cheat meals
6. Pre workout meals
7. Deit
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