Green Illustrative Weight Losing Instagram Post


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    A balanced deit and well maintained lifestyle is the key to healthy living with better weight control. There are lots of ways you can lose weight starting by making small changes in your daily eating habbits and physical routine. Carrying too much weight around has numerous disadvantages like high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and heart stroke. Neglecting these aspects would narrate a tale about your health condition being at deaths door. To sustain your health condition exercise is necessary. Moreover The world heath organization who defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity ". So don't be a couch potato get up and let's burn calories. Wish to lose weight as easily as your temper. Here are some tips for weight loss.

    1. Rest and Sleep

    Besides changing deit and exercise routing, maintaining your sleep is also important. Getting enough sleep on daily basis manages hormones which controls hurger and appetite. Study has recommended to aim for atleast 7 to 8 hours of sleep that can be beneficial for weight loss journey. Inadequate sleep leads to dull and tried mental and physical heath. Mediocre sleep may cause abundant food carving and muching on mid night snaks which may include variety of high calories and sugary foods to calm your nerves.

    On the other end rest is also essential in your workout routing. Emphasize on getting sufficient rest because it ameliorate your sleeping condition. Fair amount rest will land a hand in conversing your muscle strength, repair and growth. Futher it will prevent you from injury by allowing time for recovery and enhance your workout performance overall.

    Bottom line is lack of sleep and rest has major consequences on your exercise routing. Futhermore it may drop your metabolism rate ,increase calories intake as well as delines muscle recovery which will sabotage the effort in the fitness journey.

    2. Post workout meals

    We already know that exercise and deit go side by side. A precise post meal after workout give several benefits and provides you the key advantage by boosting the energy level which is loss during exercise period. In general, the extent and power utilize in the course of workout will determine how often you should eat or drink. Choose your post meal wisely as it recover, replish and repair the damage muscles. Establishing a habbit of healthy post nutrition meal will help you in many ways as increase ability gain muscle, less soreness, more bone mass and improve immunity. Remember to drink fluids because during exercise you loss enough fluids in the form of sweat. Try to add sports drink, it contains carbohydrates and electrolyte that may helps in recharge what the body has lost during exercise. The combination of post meal and timing is important as it will gradually enhance your over all performance.

    3. Exercise

    The multitude question asked by people are whether diet or exercise which one is better option. The answer is both go simultaneously. The balanced diet and regular exercise is the best way to lose weight and live a healthy life. As you know regular exercise has numerous advantages for physical, mental and emotional heath. Since exercise routing may be more of a mental challenge than a physical challenge. So take the challenge if you want to be in shape and live a healthy life. There are many option in selecting any kind of exercise like aerobic, weight training, yoga and zumba many more. Choose any kind of exercise that targets you goal because every exercise has its own benefits. If you don't have a target, there is another way to exercise by taking part in actives like running, walking, hiking, swimming and cycling. These type of exercise doesn't built muscle but still it lift up your heart rate which increase the calories burning process.

    4. Water

    Water has numerous function and benefits like lubrication, delivering oxygen, preventing damage to organs and many more. Perhaps drinking plenty of water should be top priority in your list. Water act as lubricant which keeps your joints and spine disk healthy. It makes minerals and nutritions accessible to reach different parts of the body which is beneficial for fat loss. It also helps in managing physical performance and flush out waste as well as detox our body. By keeping yourselves hydrated which will gradually increase your metabolic rate as a result promotes higher rate of calories burn on daily basis.

    So, drinking fluids is important but choose your beverage carefully avoid caffin and non alcoholic drinking. Focus on Water rich food and fruits that are healthier. Even mild dehydration can affect mental and physical heath, so make sure that you drink plenty of fluids on each day to maintain your over all heath.

    5. Cheat meals

    The idea of cheat meals are popular these days. It helps in managing a healthy lifestyle. It grands the permission to eat guilt free food beyond the shadow of a doubt. All and sundry requires break from your workout schedule. Eating favorite food makes you feel delighted. The plan is to allow a day off and indulge with high calories food because restricted deit may swerve you from your course. Study shows adding a weekly cheat meal boost the metabolism rate and ability to stick to your desire plan of weight loss journey which is caused by increase in the levels of laptin , a hormones which controls the energy balance in the body as a result higher rate of fat burning. Another component of cheat meal is efficient planning. There is no specific guidelines but planning ahead can be favourable , depending on individual's deit predilection and target.

    6. Pre workout meals

    Nutrition is very essential when it comes down to your workout program.To capitalized your workout and recovery, emphasis on your intake that may include foods which are greater in carbohydrates,lower in fats and medium in protein. Consuming carbohydrates before workout maximize glucose present in your body as fuel giving energy throughout high intensity exercise. Further protein increase muscle protein synthesis in the body. The pre workout deit we eat is assimilated by our body, so you can exercise for longer period of time which can ameliorate your performance and result. In addition, if you're an early bird do not skip breakfast. Eating breakfast will speed up the absorption and digestion of food, so you don't feeling unpleasant during the exercise.Basic guidance for planning pre workout meals , start with choosing the prime foods which depends on your personal training and desire goals. The timing of your meal is also essential. Try to eat smaller portion of simple meal 30 - 45 minutes before workout and complete meal 2-3 hours prior to your exercise. This may prevent you from upsetting your stomach during exercise. Adding pre workout meals will benefit you in several ways.

    7. Deit

    Deit is the building block of a healthy lifestyle as well as the source that provides your body with healthy nutritions. These nutritions rich food keep a rein on your appetite and limit the calories intake, keeping you fuller for longer period as a result it may help in shredding some kilos.
    Balance deit may sound like climbing a steep hill but in a simple way make sure that each meal consist of foods that are greater in fibre ,carbohydrates,protein and fats along with fresh fruits and vegetables. A healthy deit supports natural, unprocessed foods, pre- packaged meals,frozen vegetables and snacks.So try to include your favorite foods. Getting enough amount of nutritions and minerals from your deit leads to growth, repair and recovery of tissues in the body. Moreover it maintain muscle mass , high endurance of body function, increase in metabolism which make you fit as a fiddle. In today's era everyone is pretty occupied but try to get some time for planning and monitoring your nutritions that will give you a leg up in achieving your target for weight loss.


    The barebones of the article is exercise can be favourable in both situation for physical,emotional and mental health. Regular exercise or any sort of physical activity which includes walking ,jogging , hiking,using stairs instead of lift and keep on moving by indulging a bit in every part of your life. Exercise not only keep you in shape but provides heath benefits which prevents us for several disease like blood pressure, diabetes,depression and obesity many more. Healthy mind and body may lift your mood and stave off depression level. Additionally regular exercise boost your metabolic rate thus burning more calories. To acquire heath benefits , it is suggested to exercise atleast 25 to 30 minutes everyday.
    Too much of anything is not good meaning imprudent exercise involve risk to health condition. Don't go overboard while planning to exercise as it have several consequences by increasing the possibility for injury. Futher over doing exercise you may eat like a horse thus gaining weight instead of loosing. So be mindful while planning your weight loss journey.

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