When you are young sometime in life you live in a #bubble. You believe in fairy tales , goodness and #honesty of people around you. When you grow up, the bubble #bursts. You realize there are many people around you who do not believe in honesty of life.
Here your sufferings starts as you find your #wishing things are different. Here your self inflicted misery start. You are expecting the #ideals to overcome actual or needing things or people or places to be #different from what you wish for.
Question is how to overcome above mentioned #mess in life.
Answer is there is solution to be happy in life . Please do not cop out on #reality. Do not run away and hide under covers .Let the hard things in life #break you. Let them effect you. Let them change you. Let these hard moments inform you. Let this pain be your #teacher. The experiences of your life are trying to tell you something about yourself. Don’t #cop out on that. Lean into it. You will find gradually you are decreasing your #sufferings.
Moral;-There is lesson in this wind and storm full of #unhappiness. You will learn wisdom if you face it with courage.Therefore with full honesty #accept it .Your sufferings will decrease.
sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK