Learn your Limits——

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Sukarma Thareja

26th September 2024 | 11 Views | 0 Likes

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I remember when I was in primary school my mother used put so many #limits on my day to day activities. I was an obedient child and was very fondly following limits #instructed by my mother to me.”

When I joined secondary school I did realize that limits help us to organize in planning of our #time, #energy and other #resources. My mother used to tell me “My child when I put  limits that do not do internet surfing too much, this for your benefit only . Environment has limited resources therefore never# over use it. Put limit to its use,”

My mother said” please do #optimal use of resources . There is an optimal amount of investment needed for everything we do in life. Which is nothing but #setting  limits. Limits  helps us #prioritize tasks , allocate time for work, leisure, and rest, and maintain a #balanced life style.”

She further added”my child we have many people to please on daily bases.”

I said”mom its not a simple task to do so.”

My mother said”to manage all demands  of others and take care of your own needs at the same time one has to fix reasonable #boundaries on every activity, means knowing and understanding what your limits are and placing a #value on them.”

I further said” mom we all face limits in life. Often they are for the things that we wish we could change about our #situation, our abilities or even our relationships.”

My mother said” Some common limitations of life include: 1. Limited time: Our time on this earth is limited and we can’t get back time that has already passed. 2.Limited physical abilities: As we age, our physical abilities and health may decline. 3. Limited knowledge: There is a vast amount of information and knowledge out there that we will never be able to learn or experience the whole. We can only know limited in our #lifetime

I said “mom when we drive a car we put limit on our driving speed’ As road has #speed limit

We wish to deposit money in a bank.but we have to follow bank orders.

As every bank has #money limit one can deposit.

While writing our exam we wish that we should be given #infinite time to do so but

every exam has #time limit.”

I further said “mom give me one example from daily life where there is #no value is put to limit.”

My mom said”thinking has no limit, so #think big and, #achieve big.

I said “mom these are  #secrets of life. Thanks for #sharing same with me.”



suksrma Thareja

  Alumnus IITK 


Sukarma Thareja



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