‘Love Passenger’

Train Milyin2

17th September 2024 | 59 Views | 0 Likes

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1.] The First Meeting –

Amid the rustling sound of trains coming and going, Vishal was impatiently waiting for his train. He would sometimes look at the watch on his wrist and sometimes at the electric information board at the station. Then he saw his train arriving. He checked his ticket once again; his seat was number 6 (upper berth) in the S3 coach. Vishal was already tired so he got on his berth and fell asleep immediately. When he woke up, he looked down. A girl wearing a yellow top and light blue jeans was standing holding the rod of the seat next to the lower berth and was looking a little restless. Suddenly the girl’s eyes fell on Vishal and she asked Vishal for permission to sit on the seat above him. Vishal flatly refused. The girl then asked the boy sitting on the upper berth next to her and he accepted the proposal. Then what, she sat on the upper berth opposite Vishal. The boy on whose seat she was sitting started talking to her. He started telling his stories, looking at his face it seemed as if the girl was not interested in what he was saying. 

Vishal had also taken out a novel from his bag to read but Vishal was also laughing after listening to their conversation. The conversation was something like this. After a while the boy got up from his seat and probably went to the washroom. Meanwhile the girl asked Vishal why are you smiling?? To which Vishal, who was reading the novel, replied nothing, just reading something written in the novel, while the actual thing was that Vishal was not paying attention to the novel at all. After a while Vishal felt very hungry. The crowd was so much that he could not even get down and go out to buy food items. He took out a 20 rupee note from his pocket and gave it to a man standing below saying that he should buy 2 samosas for him which the vendor was selling at the station below the train. But luck was not with her, as soon as the man handed over the 20 rupee note to the vendor, the train started, money was gone and no samosas were available, all this was witnessed by the girl sitting on the seat above her. God knows what came to the girl’s mind, she took out her tiffin box and offered her food to Vishal, despite the fact that Vishal had not offered his seat to her. Despite her request, Vishal refused once but could not do it the second time as he was very hungry.

 It was 2 o’clock in the afternoon and both of them had finished their lunch. The boy sitting with the girl was also offered lunch but that boy had brought his own tiffin. Then Vishal and that girl had a little conversation in which the girl told that Vishal’s face resembled one of her seniors where the girl used to study in Jabalpur. After a few hours, Vishal’s station came and Vishal got down from the train after bidding goodbye to Vishal while talking to a friend on his phone. The girl had to go further, so this meeting ended here.

2.] Friend Request –

This is about the time when there was a time of social media like Facebook and Orkut. Vishal was sitting at his college tea shop. It was the last day of the seventh semester exam when he received a message on his mobile. On checking it was found that it was a Facebook message from an unknown person. Vishal accepted the friend request and asked, “Do I know you?” The reply came, “Do you remember we met in the train a few days ago? We shared my tiffin and so on.” Hearing this Vishal remembered everything but he was surprised how did she know my ID? That day we had neither told her our names nor any other details, then how? Vishal asked her, “How did you find my account?” The girl replied laughingly, “Where there is a will there is a way.” Then she said, do you remember you were talking to your friend Rahul and you also told me the name of your college, I had heard that and with his help I found you. Vishal did not react much to this and just ended the conversation by saying okay. The exam was about to start, so he entered the exam hall. The day ended and so did the exam. 

The next day was pleasant as it always happens with us, oh how wonderful the days after the exam are. Like this they kept talking on Facebook for a few days, then one day Vishal gets a call. Hello Vishal I am Aastha. Your number was also in your ID so I thought why not talk on the phone today. It is a bit strange but I am like that (laughing). Vishal said in a slightly reluctant manner, okay but I am a little busy right now, I will talk to you later. Saying this he disconnected the phone. After a few days, one day while sitting alone at home, Vishal thought that maybe he had behaved a little rudely with Aastha that day, he should talk to her and apologize. Vishal called Aastha, after three rings Aastha received the call. Hello Vishal is it you? Vishal said listen I spoke to you rudely that day, I was upset at that time. That day my landlady aunty had asked us to vacate the room. She is a very grumpy woman. Hearing this Aastha first laughed and then said never mind listen I wanted to tell you that tomorrow I am coming from my village Katni to Bhopal [Madhya Pradesh] for 2 days for some work related to my job. I will stay with my friend, if you are free can we meet? Vishal was also in Bhopal. Vishal agreed and the next day was Sunday and he also used to go to the temple every Sunday. So he called Aastha to the park near the temple. 

The journey from Katni to Bhopal was about 7 hours. The next day Aastha caught the morning train and was in Bhopal by noon. Both of them met that evening in the park near a famous Krishna temple of Bhopal. Aastha had come all dressed up and Vishal was in a normal t-shirt and jeans. Both of them shared things about themselves while sipping Pani Puri and tea. Aastha starts narrating her stories, that she is in the final year of MBA and Vishal told he is in the fourth year of engineering. Aastha was 2 years older than Vishal, she was the only heir of the family. When she was in 6th class, her father had passed away, she lived with her mother and also did a part time job, for which she had probably come to Bhopal. The evening had come and at that time Aastha got a call on her mobile. From her words it seemed that the call was urgent. Picking up her blue bag, she said to Vishal, Vishal I think I should go. It was nice meeting you. Vishal did not refuse her and said, I also liked meeting you. Stretching her long legs, Aastha went ahead. It was already late, both of them went their separate ways.

3.] Bake My Day –

Next day: The clock was showing 10 in the morning. There was a message on Aastha’s phone which Aastha read while having breakfast. The message was – Hi Aastha, you left in a hurry yesterday, whose call did you get? The message was from Vishal. Aastha went to the balcony and called Vishal directly instead of sending a message. Hello Vishal, how are you? Vishal said everything is fine. Tell me, you left in a hurry yesterday? Aastha told that her uncle was coming home after a long time. Actually the call was made by her friend Priyanka, to whom Aastha had come to meet Vishal for the first time in her city. And Aastha had made some excuse to her mother for going out of the house. Aastha did not stop here, she said Vishal, actually I had no work, I just came to meet you. I think I have a crush on you Vishal, since the day we met for the first time in the train. Aastha finally said this, but Vishal’s expressions were telling that he was not very impressed with her. Vishal said, “Oh! But we are fine being friends.” Just then there was a sound from behind Aastha and she said, “I will talk later, it seems uncle is coming.” Saying this Aastha hung up the phone. *********************************
After a few days Vishal has to go to his village for some work.

In the village:

The bus stopped with a sound of “charrrr…”. Vishal was also seen getting off the bus as people started getting off. Mohit sitting at the tea stall in front shouted, “Vishal, you here?”

Vishal: Oye! Mohit, I still haven’t got rid of your habit of tea from the shop at Sutton?” Saying this both hugged each other. They were meeting after a long time so a different kind of happiness was visible on their faces.

Mohit: Brother how come you came to the village after so many days?

Vishal: Papa was thinking of opening a fertilizer factory so I had to come to help. We also have to think about the higher education of my younger sister. Tell me how is everything going on with you?

Mohit: Hey, I am just managing Papa’s transport business, what else! Saying this Mohit started laughing. Then both of them went and drank a cup each. This was Mohit’s fourth cup of tea since morning. Now I am going home, let me see what has changed in the house and the village. Saying this, both of them waved their hands and said goodbye to each other. After going a little further, Vishal shouted, “We will meet here in the evening”. At Vishal’s house, Papa and Mummy were waiting for him. After greeting them, Vishal sat on the chair, then the rest of the conversation started. That evening: At Sutton’s shop – Mohit: Well tell me friend Vishal how is your studies going? Vishal: Everything is going well, the semester exams have just ended. I have gone back and prepared for further studies, there are GATE exams too. Mohit: Your work is going well friend, I have got involved in Papa’s work, I am thinking of completing my further studies through distance education. I will not be able to do a regular course along with work.

While talking, Mohit asked Vishal, “Tell me, did you make any girlfriend or not?”

Vishal: Feeling a little shy, he said, “No brother, nothing like that.”

Mohit: Tell me about your face, there is something to it.

Since Mohit was Vishal’s childhood friend, he told Mohit about Aastha. He also told him that he has no interest in Aastha. He just considers her as a friend.

Mohit: Ok, tell me something more about her.

As Vishal kept telling Mohit about Aastha, it seemed that Mohit’s interest in Aastha was awakening.

As soon as Vishal finished his talk, Mohit said, “Brother, if you are not interested, then make me talk to her.”

Vishal: Leave it, what will you do by talking to her, let it be.

Mohit did not say anything. The talk ended there. But he kept asking Vishal about Aastha in between. Mohit was richer than Vishal. He just did not like to study. He used to roam around in his Maruti 800 car for work.

Some days passed….

It was time for Vishal to go back. College was also going to open soon.

One evening when Vishal and Mohit were at the cotton shop, Vishal’s phone rang. When he saw the name, it was a call from Aastha’s friend Priyanka. On picking up the phone, Priyanka told him that Priyanka has not been able to talk to Aastha for some days. Have you [Vishal] talked to her [Aastha]?

Vishal said no. On this, Priyanka told him that the last time she talked to Aastha, the boy’s family had come to her house to see Aastha.

Vishal did not say anything on this, but when Mohit asked him whose call it was, Vishal told that it was Aastha’s friend Priyanka’s call. Aastha is not getting through her call. She was asking me.

Mohit: I think something untoward might happen, you should try calling Aastha once or meet her once. Vishal said, let it be brother, there might be some domestic problem, what can I do about it? But on Mohit’s repeated insistence, Vishal dialed Aastha’s number once. The call went through but she did not pick up.

Next day:

Mohit’s words were going on in Vishal’s mind, “has something untoward happened?” He dropped a message to Priyanka.

Vishal: Hello Priyanka.

After a while: Priyanka: Hello Vishal.

Vishal: Did you talk to Aastha again? Is everything okay?

Priyanka: Yes, I did last night. Everything is fine, she is just a little worried.

Vishal: I called her but she did not pick up. I am going to Jabalpur tomorrow with my friend Mohit for his transport work. Katni will be in the middle, can you talk to Aastha and ask her to meet for some time?
Priyanka: Yes, I will tell her.
They chatted a little more before the call ended. ***********
After a while Priyanka dropped a message to Aastha that Aastha is ready and will meet tomorrow at 6 pm in Gandhi Market Lane 4.
Vishal was hoping that Aastha would call him but her call did not come.

Next morning: 
As planned Mohit took Vishal along and started on his way. After dealing all day, it was a little late while returning. It was 6:15 by the time they reached Katni. Aastha was waiting for him in Gandhi Market Lane No. 4.
As soon as she saw Vishal she said there is a bakery nearby, let’s go there, the pastries there are very good. It doesn’t seem right to stand here. Everyone sat in Mohit’s Maruti 800 car, the destination was 10 minutes away. Meanwhile Vishal asked, Aastha what’s the matter, I talked to Priyanka, she was telling me that you are worried about something? You didn’t even pick up my call. I thought that since I am coming to Katni, I should meet you.

Aastha: These days I am not able to use my phone much because of my family. My marriage is about to be fixed Vishal. Nothing is clear.

Just then there was a breaker on the road.

Due to which everyone jumped up. Now Vishal’s eyes were on the road, Aastha’s eyes were on Vishal and Mohit’s eyes were on Aastha. This sudden incident brought a smile on everyone’s face.

After reaching the bakery, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Aastha took them inside the bakery and signaled them to sit in a corner. Mohit ordered pastries and coffee, while there was some tense silence between Vishal and Aastha. Vishal said smilingly (perhaps he was trying to lighten the mood), “After enjoying the pastries from this bakery, we will probably forget our troubles for a while.”

Aastha picked up a pastry and said, “Vishal, you are right. I just need some good advice from you right now. You seem to be the most sensible person to me when I hear about my marriage. What should I do?”

Vishal said while eating a piece of pastry, “Aastha, marriage is a big step. You have to think carefully. If you are feeling any kind of hesitation about your marriage, then talk openly with your family. At the end of the day this is your life.” 
Aastha bowed her head and said, “I know, but sometimes there is a lot of pressure to fulfill the wishes of the family. And then, I am losing myself in this whole process.”

Aastha was hoping that Vishal would understand what exactly she was expecting from him. But Vishal remained firm on his previous statement and did not add anything from his side. Aastha just said that she needed some more time to think about it. After a while, everyone went to the counter to make the payment, Mohit quickly went ahead and made the payment first. While returning, they all kept talking about their own things. By now, Mohit had also opened up to Aastha. 2 hours had passed in the conversation, it was 8 in the night. Vishal-Mohit dropped Aastha at the same Gandhi market and Aastha left for her home and both of them headed towards their village.

4.] Seat No: 72 –

Everything remains calm for the next few days. Mohit and Vishal are still in their village. Vishal’s college is going to open after two days. His packing has started. This time Mohit was also going to Bhopal with Vishal for a few days. The only problem was that their train ticket was not confirmed yet. Then Vishal remembered that Priyanka had an uncle in the railways, she had told him once and if he talked to him, maybe his ticket could be confirmed from some quota? Vishal called Priyanka.

The call is going through.

Priyanka: Hello Vishal, yes tell me!

Vishal: Hi Priyanka, how are you?

Priyanka: Everything is fine, nothing special. You tell me?

Vishal: Same for me. Okay listen, I am going back to Bhopal day after tomorrow, but my ticket is in waiting list. Do you remember you once told me about your uncle who is in the railways. Can you get my ticket confirmed? This time I have a lot of luggage with me, it will be difficult to go because of the voting list.
Priyanka: Yes, yes, why not, I will talk to him and see what can be done. Ok Vishal, I will call you by evening, I am in a hurry right now, I have to go out with my mother. Bye!!
The call ended. **********************

That evening:
Vishal’s phone rang, it was Priyanka’s call!
Priyanka: Hello Vishal, I talked to my uncle but all the quotas are full right now. You should have told me a few days earlier, maybe the work would have been done. I am sorry.
Vishal: No problem, it’s okay. I will manage somehow.
Priyanka: But the good news is that Aastha is also coming to Jabalpur the day after tomorrow to complete her college, she has her last MBA paper. From Katni and her ticket is confirmed. If you want, you guys can comfortably travel from Katni to Jabalpur on one seat, after that you can adjust your waiting till Bhopal.

Vishal liked this idea. He said, okay, I will talk to Aastha. Thank you Priyanka.

Priyanka: Nice, take care Vishal.

The call ends. .. *******************************

In the evening, Vishal messaged Aastha –

Vishal: Hi Aastha!

Aastha: Hello Vishal! Tell me how did you remember me today?

Vishal shyly: I wanted to tell you something. I am going to Bhopal day after tomorrow, college is about to open. I spoke to Priyanka in the morning, she told me that you are also going to Jabalpur day after tomorrow, so can I go with you? I will manage further.

Aastha: Yes, yes, why not, you can definitely go. I will also get company!

Vishal: Thank you Aastha. And what happened to your marriage?

Aastha: The boy was being forced to get married without his consent, so he asked me to refuse, so I refused. I was also not ready for the marriage.

A strange happiness was visible in Aastha’s voice. She then told that she talks to Mohit from time to time, he keeps messaging her.

The call ended after talking for a while!

Two days later, it was Saturday when Vishal had a train:

It was 11 in the night:

Vishal and Mohit both had reached the station near their village, which went to Bhopal via Jabalpur crossing Katni. Both somehow sat on the same seat, their tickets were not confirmed but the good thing was that this was the second station after the train’s departure, so there was not much crowd yet. The luggage was also comfortably adjusted under the seat.

Katni station:

Aastha had also reached the station. Both had already talked on the call.

Aastha’s seat was in coach S6, so both of them sat in S6.

Aastha also came to her seat 14 (lower) in S6.

The three of them met and sat on Aastha’s seat.

They started talking, some about home and some about planning for the last year of college!

Then Mohit jumped in. Aastha, look, I have brought cashew barfi for you from the best Nanduram confectionery shop of my village. Saying this, Mohit handed over the box of barfi to Aastha. Aastha hesitantly took one barfi and returned the rest of the box. Mohit’s face turned a little pale. Just then Aastha got a call and she started talking on the call. Maybe it was Priyanka on the call, but due to the noise of the train, nothing was heard clearly.

Meanwhile, the TC comes, the tickets of all three are checked. The TC says that Vishal’s seat is confirmed and he has got seat number 72 in the same coach. After saying this, the TC starts checking the tickets of the rest of the people.

Aastha’s attention was still on the phone. Now before Vishal could say anything, Mohit says: “Vishal, I am going to your seat to rest a bit. Come whenever you want and you can also rest a bit.” Vishal agrees on that.

Mohit takes the box of sweets with him and leaves from there. After a while Mohit is seen coming back. Mohit says, brother, there is a lot of noise near the door. I want to sleep a bit. Will you all go to seat number 72? Since Mohit was tall, he was facing problem on seat number 72 (side upper). Also, there is always a lot of noise near the door, people keep coming and going. Hearing this, both Vishal and Aastha went to that side upper seat.
By then, one hour had passed since the train left Katni.

Gradually everyone in the train started sleeping after eating and drinking, the lights of the train started turning off one by one. People were falling asleep. But sleep was miles away from Aastha’s eyes. Vishal also started taking a little nap. Then he felt that her hand was on his hand, he opened his eyes and saw that Aastha’s hand was on his hand. The fingers of both the hands were intertwined. Vishal was a little surprised.
Vishal: Aastha… Some questions were echoing in Aastha’s mind which were troubling her for a long time. She took a final decision because time does not give an opportunity again and again.
Aastha strengthened her mind and said:
Aastha: Vishal, I wanted to tell you something for a long time but I wanted to meet you and tell you this face to face.
Vishal: Yes, tell me?
Aastha: Vishal, do you remember that day I told you that I have a crush on you? Vishal: Yes, I remember (laughing)

Aastha: It was not just a crush Vishal, I like you and I see my whole life with you.

Vishal was surprised. But even in the dim light, both of them were able to see each other.
The atmosphere was getting a little uncomfortable. It was quite late in the night and only a few people were awake. There was no noise inside the compartment. The only noise was that of the train moving. The lights of seat number 72 were not completely switched off. In the dim light, Vishal looked into Aastha’s eyes and there were tears in her eyes. Aastha and Vishal were staring at each other face to face. Vishal put his hand on Aastha’s shoulder, both their faces had come very close to each other. When this incident was happening, someone got up from the lower seat and switched on the light and went towards the washroom. This unexpected moment ended here. Before anything else could be said, the train stopped. We were talking so much that we didn’t even realize when we reached Jabalpur.

Vishal: Your station (Jabalpur) has come.

Aastha: Yes, but now I am going to Bhopal to meet Priyanka, I have spoken to her. Tomorrow evening I will finally come back to Jabalpur.

Now a new person had come on Aastha’s seat. Since Aastha’s seat was only till Jabalpur, now Mohit had to leave Aastha’s seat. Then Mohit came and sat on Vishal and Aastha’s seat. The train picked up speed again. …Cooooo [train sound]…

Now there was a deathly silence between the two. No one was speaking anything. Mohit was still a little sleepy. He again fell asleep while sitting and resting his head.

Aastha’s eyes were lowered. [This is the custom of the world, sometimes a person considers himself wrong even without doing any mistake.] Aastha had not done any mistake, she had just expressed her feelings.

Vishal did not want to break her heart. But she was not able to understand anything. Vishal had been getting proposals since his school days but he was never serious because his goal in life was something else. He was also a good student and writer. Since his school days, he used to participate in some or the other activities and used to come first. But till date he had never seen tears in anyone’s eyes for him.

After this incident, no one said anything.

The whole journey was over. Bhopal had arrived. Now it was just a matter of getting off the train, there was a halt of 10 minutes, the train also had to be deboarded. So Vishal quickly woke up Mohit from sleep and both of them got the luggage down from the train together. Aastha also got down from the train following him.

The journey was over.

Everyone took their luggage, said goodbye to each other and left for their home. Aastha probably knew that Vishal would not agree. This meeting ended here with many questions in her mind.

5.] Late reply –

After reaching his room and keeping the luggage near the sofa, Vishal told Mohit the details of the train incident. After listening to this, Mohit felt that Aastha is really inclined towards Vishal. He told Mohit, Vishal, I think Aastha likes you. You should think once again. On this, Vishal got immersed in deep thoughts. The train incident once again went through his mind. Vishal went to sleep without giving any reply.

It had been an hour since he had come to bed but sleep was not coming at all. Vishal messaged Aastha to meet him the next evening before going back to Jabalpur. There was no reply for the next 40 minutes. During this time, Vishal didn’t know when he fell asleep.

At 7 am:

After freshening up, when Vishal checked his phone, there was a message from Aastha. The message was short.

Aastha: My return train is at 4 pm today, Vishal, “Amarkantak Express”.

Vishal wrote in reply: I will come to drop you Aastha. Can we meet at 11 am?

Although Vishal’s college was opening today, Vishal did not give importance to this.

After a while, Aastha: Okay, where do we have to meet? (Secretly Aastha liked Vishal asking this.)

Vishal: Sangam Talkies, you won’t have to go far, the station is also nearby and I will show you a little bit of Bhopal before the train arrives.

Aastha agreed.

Sangam Talkies at 11 am:

Aastha had once again come today wearing a yellow top and light blue jeans which she had worn in the train that day when they first met in the train.

Vishal: Hey Aastha, how long ago did you come?

Aastha: I just came 10 minutes ago.

Vishal: Come, I will give you the tea of ​​Chai 36 nearby, it is very good.

Both of them reached Bhopal’s famous Chai 36 tea shop. Both of them ordered small cardamom tea, the tea was really very good.

There was still a lot of time, so Aastha asked Vishal, “Shall we go to watch a movie? Although I don’t watch movies much, I will watch it today.” Vishal did not refuse. Both reached the ticket counter of Sangam Talkies, but unfortunately all the tickets for the next show were sold out. Aastha said disappointedly, “Now?” Vishal said, “Come, I will show you a nice place, the big pond here which we know as Lake View.” Both took a bus and reached Lake View. The view there is amazing, a big pond, trees and plants and swans swimming in the water. Bhopal is anyway known as Green City and City of Lakes. There is greenery all around here. Today the weather was also very good, there was no trace of sunshine. The clock was showing 1 in the afternoon. They kept talking and kept walking on the banks of the lake, but there was no mention of that conversation in the train. Suddenly Vishal’s phone rang, it was his friend Rahul’s call. On the occasion of his birthday, he was inviting Vishal to his house this evening. Vishal said that he would come by evening.

The clock was ticking, they did not realize when the time passed. Now they thought that they should leave now. Both of them took a bus again and went straight to the station. After finding out the time of their train inside, they reached the platform. Vishal saw the time and found that they had reached the station an hour earlier. Perhaps there was less traffic today. Don’t know why Aastha looked attractive to Vishal in a yellow top today. Although Vishal did not remember that when they first met, Aastha had come in the same yellow dress, but perhaps Aastha remembered it. The time to separate had come close. Vishal had not yet agreed and this was his last semester, after which he would leave Bhopal. This was also Aastha’s last year of MBA, there were talks of her marriage as well. She had only two or three months at the most. But today, don’t know why, Aastha had this satisfaction in her mind that she tried from her side and she was not wrong. 

The movement of people was going on on that platform. Vishal’s eyes roamed around once. Some people were seen eating chips, who were probably waiting for their train, while some were changing platforms in a hurry. There was a little chaos, as is the case at almost every station. Jaipur Express was standing on the other side of the platform, which was still a long way from leaving. Since there was still a lot of time for the train to leave, the entire train was lying empty. “Now Aastha seemed a bit emotional.”, Vishal put his hand on her shoulder and said smilingly: “Aastha, I am sure that you must have liked both the tea and the place today. Your ticket is confirmed, the journey will pass well. Vishal’s hand moved away from Aastha’s shoulder and suddenly their eyes met each other in a different way. Their eyes were piercing each other. This time there was a different feeling. 

A tea seller passed by them saying “Chai-Chai”. Understanding this situation of time, both of them suddenly took a decision, both of them holding hands started walking fast towards Jaipur Express standing on the other side. It was just the demand of time, no one knew who was taking whom. They found an open compartment. As soon as they reached inside holding hands, their eyes met once again and then suddenly the grip of Aastha’s hands became strong, the grip was so strong that probably no one had held Vishal’s hand so tightly till date. Aastha jerked Vishal’s hand, probably she wanted to say wait a little longer. With this pull, Vishal and Aastha came so close to each other that the distance between their noses was less than 1 centimeter. After a pause of about 4 seconds, both of them started kissing each other frantically. It seemed that maybe there would not be a morning tomorrow? The love of so many days was to end in a few moments today. Emotions were at its peak. When he regained consciousness after 2 minutes, Vishal pulled himself back and said, “I have to go Aastha”, have a good journey. Saying this, Vishal quickly got down from the train compartment. Aastha kept looking at him. There was still 45 minutes left for the train to arrive but Vishal did not look back even once and walked out of the station.

Immersed in thoughts, Vishal reaches the bus stop outside and starts waiting for the bus going towards Rahul’s house. But his mind had become completely numb, God knows how many buses came and went but Vishal was not conscious. Meanwhile, Vishal got one or two calls on his phone and some message notifications also came but he did not see them. He was completely entangled in a storm of thoughts. After being in this state for about an hour, Vishal calls Rahul and says brother I will not be able to come, sir. Then he calls Mohit and says that he is coming back home now.

In Vishal’s room:
Vishal tells everything to Mohit.
Mohit: She likes you Vishal, I told you earlier too. She is a nice girl, please agree.
After today’s incident, everything from the first day till now goes around in Vishal’s mind. He remembers all the efforts of Aastha. By now, somewhere in Vishal’s mind, something had developed for Aastha and his heart was also giving testimony to this. But he was not able to understand himself. But after today’s incident, he decided that after reaching Aastha’s house, he will call Aastha and accept her proposal.
That night Vishal calls Aastha many times but the call is not picked up. Vishal keeps turning from one side to another and is unable to sleep the whole night.

Next day: 
At 8 in the morning, Vishal’s mobile rings. Ring…
The call was from Priyanka:
Priyanka: “Vishal” sobbing… [sound of crying]
Surprised Vishal: What happened Priyanka, why are you crying?
Priyanka: Aastha is no more [sobbing…] The train she was travelling in yesterday overturned mid-way. I have just received a call from her mother.

Now if you cut Vishal, there will be no blood…!!!###
Vishal was unable to speak; he remained completely silent. No sound escaped his lips, only tears cascaded down his cheeks and fell to the ground.

“In a state of panic”, Vishal removed his phone from his ear and kept it in front of his eyes. He was not sure whether what he had just heard was Priyanka speaking or someone else. Then his gaze landed on the message resting at the bottom. Aastha’s message had been in Vishal’s message box since the time he had been lost in thought at the bus stop. Meanwhile, Priyanka kept saying “hello, hello,” but Vishal’s ears had become deaf, and his eyes were just reading the message..

Aastha: ” Vishal, I thought that at least today you could understand me but maybe fate did not approve of this. I will forget these happy moments and understand that we never met. This was probably our last meeting. I am saying ‘yes’ to my family for my marriage. Goodbye Vishal !!!

And the story ends here . . .

◼️◼️✨ Someone has rightly said:  ” People who appreciate and value you in any situation of your life, are very RARE.  When you find someone like that , then don’t say NO. Who knows you have the whole world and he has only you ? “ ✨ ◼️◼️

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