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12th September 2024 | 19 Views | 0 Likes

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I love to be a mother,more than anything else in the world.

As a mother,I have observed the psychological conditions and changes in the behavior of my child.I tried to observe it keenly, understand it and provide a solution to the problem.

Understanding the psychology of a child can help parents to support healthy development and well-being of their children .It can also be helpful in identifying developmental delays or disorders.Parents can create healthy environments for growth and learning of their children.They can also develop effective parenting and teaching strategies.

Children who live in stressful conditions and have strict parents are more likely to develop the habit of overthinking.So tackle them with love and affection.They need it.

When you criticize your child on any matter repeatedly,they don’t stop loving you,they stop loving themselves.

Children are known to be great learners.They quickly adapt themselves to new environments and skill 


Children want affection and attraction,but don’t always be available for them. Sometimes let them do their work on their own .It is necessary for their personal development.

Children sometimes show temper tantrums which is a normal part of their development. However, if the behavior is persistent , it could be a sign of a behavioral disorder. 

A set routine is always good for children’s social and emotional development.

Bedtime routine plays an important role in their behavioral pattern.

Parents -child relationship should be smooth.Even the relationship between mother and father affects the behavior of a child.

Research has shown that kids who live in a joint family or live together with their grandparents,are happier and mentally stronger.

These are some facts about the children that every parent should take into consideration. Always remember that a child’s behavior depends on his or her surroundings and bonding with family.So nurture them with love and utmost care.

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