1-5 .Billionaire hiden son


12th September 2024 | 4 Views | 0 Likes

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BILLIONER HIDDEN SON 1-2 “I thank all of you who came to this party, and my main goal of inviting you is that I want to hand over all my debts to my son, because my age has gone too far, I may not be able to do things fluently, was the voice of Mr. Franco, is a man between 55 and 60 years old, he was the owner of the BIULD WITH US (BIWU) construction company located in Cape Town in South Africa. he’s at work, I ask him to give him enough cooperation, continued Mr. Franco. , Melisa was known by many workers, because every time he came to Tanzania he liked to help his father in some cases, but Mark, no one knew him,

first of all he is a young man who does not like networks or FAME, people remained with his image in their head without knowing him who is mark himself, some said that he is very handsome and others said that he does not want to be seen by people because he has a disability, but all that was just a feeling and no one knew him more than his family…. His father asked him He wanted to come to help him, but he often refused, his father is a billionaire, he knew that he must be close to his father or his father introducing him in front of people, then he will live a superstar life, he saw his parents living in hardship, they are afraid to do things because they are afraid that they will be posted on the internet, even things Just normal, he also saw his sister, whenever he was behind her there were reporters, he saw that life was like a prison and he didn’t really want to live… But his father got insulted by his old age, he used to spend more time in the hospital than in the company and led the company to start shaking…..

 This caused Mark to agree to come to work in the company…. ********************** He looks like a young man who was running as if he was always somewhere, it was in a very large rich building, which was known for security in Capetown in South Africa, suddenly the young man met a beautiful girl who seemed to be keeping herself well, because she was not he has finished putting on his clothes and was finishing putting them on while walking. “What about you, brother, because you don’t see ahead, said the girl. Then she continued on her travels.. But the young man was stunned after seeing the beauty of the girl, and he found himself falling in love with her at once, and our white friends say (love at first sight) …

.. He found himself following the girl behind and saw the girl getting into the elevator which was very full, and the young man looked for an opening and entered and sat behind the girl and began to look at the greatness of God’s creation and looked at the woman who was not convinced as he has loved her or longed for her at that time… When they were in the elevator, one of the people inside started talking and said “this company the father wants to leave for his son but until now he has not come, I don’t know if he wants the old man because he won’t show his son…” I hear that he is very handsome and when women see him they have to flatter themselves, now his father may be taking care of the mangoes so that they don’t spoil his son’s boyhood, said one of the people in the elevator… “

Oh, where the first person who comes must love ONLY Paulina because every new employee wants to have relations with Paulina in this company, it’s not ety lady, someone else said to Paulina, it’s the girl who was tested… “Where and where are the rich, man, first of all they want to be worshiped, I can’t help them, I’m going to look for my chokoraa there, said Paulin

 BILLIONAIRE HIDDEN SON 3-5 The closeness between Paulina and Mark grew day by day, because Paulina and Mark went home together every day and came to work together, and Paulina was very protective of Mark over Collins’ adventures. .. One day it was a weekend and Mark went to visit his friend James to exchange two or three things, they talked a lot and in the end they discussed relationships… I didn’t even tease him, but if he stays with me, I don’t want to delay, I mean, I’m pulling the tool in, James said. I see all the others as my fellow men, all my feelings, eyes and desires belong to this girl, said Mark “What if we don’t even prepare a lunch and then everyone should express their feelings to the one they love,” said Mark “There is no problem,”

 answered Mark, so they won the whole day and Finally evening came and Mark said goodbye and went to where he lives early so that tomorrow he wouldn’t be passed by and unable to go to the street with the Paulinas, and in all the stories of Mark and James no one mentioned the name of the woman he loves, so each Mmoja remained with his own in the Spirit…. The next day, as usual, Mark woke up early and prepared to go to

 Paulina’s house so that he could go to work with her as usual, and indeed they met Paulina and they both went to work, but when they arrived at work, they met Collins as if he was waiting for them. understand what I mean now. Today I will force you to understand because you are not supposed to be close to this woman, because she is mine and you can’t force me,

said Collins and started hitting her, Paulina had to intervene ….. “Why do you have a defender… Why are you defending him and asking, Collins said, “Of all the men, you have decided to choose this one, first of all, he doesn’t have any job other than to serve us, because you defend him every time I want to teach him manners,” said Collins in a harsh voice.. “Because this one is not like You and Hana are not as civilized as yours, first of all, even if he is paid a lower salary, but he is more civilized than you, he has more love and good words than you and he is smart, ww, do you see him, that is, HE is paid a lower salary than you are paid ww, but he surpasses him in appearance, said Paulina and Collins he didn’t want to hit her, he was surprised that his hand was lowered, it was Mark, then Mark approached him and told him that “Hit me and insult me, but don’t you dare touch this woman, you will know who she is… No one expected if Mark could hit Collins, because once he was beaten until Paulina came to defend him , being given the same beating.

Then Mark grabbed Paulina’s hand and started to leave with him because he saw that people were wondering about him….. Paulina was stunned and found herself grabbing Mark without wanting to, they went with Mark to the very outside of the company. Then Paulina looked at Mark for several seconds. Then he said “how do you love me?

 Mark looked down and then said “for example, I answered what decisions will you take…” There are no decisions that I will take other than rejecting because you shouldn’t love me and no man should love me said Paulina… “Why mom, said Mark.. “Because I don’t want to, I beg don’t keep asking me your questions, said Paulina.

Then he left and entered the company because of finishing his duties ….. Mark felt very bad because he wanted to convey his message to Paulina but he found himself being kicked out… He returned with HIM to continue with his fate, but when he went to the office where Paulina works, he saw James sitting by the door and looking at something with his eyes. Then he smiled, approached him and looked at him.

United States



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