#3 Gratitude practicing, exploring the benefits of mindfulness

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12th September 2024 | 4 Views | 0 Likes

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In this busy life, where we are so indulge with work and lost kn charm of fake world. 


By this meaning less way of lifestyle, most of people suffer from 

  • Stress
  • Trust issues
  • Poor sleep schedule 
  • Negativity in thoughts
  • Mood swings ( irritated, anxious) 

This problem are not small to be ignore, if continuously make them, chronic disease or bad effect on mental health. 

 In a whole day, we don’t have to appreciate the little things and doesn’t care about body, eating habits, what’s we are taking. 

We all forget about gratitude practicing           gratitude practicing which is good for mental health, physical health, social behavior.                                                                        Gratitude practicing means showing love & affection towards who you are and you have done, not only showing towards yourself but others people.                                     Just remember, how many times, you have say thanks to your body or what you did or your close ones.                                                          At this time, brain is not braining 😂 

Because you did it very long time ago, or forget it appreciate any efforts your makes or another person makes, you are so busy to minding your own business and judging others that forget that your body also need little love and affection not from other person but yourself also. 

how to show gratitude or practice gratitude ?                          

  • Morning affirmation :- morning is golden period for everyone, activities you do in the morning are going to be make your day, So, why not to start with complimenting your body and yourself. Start saying positive sentences to yourself  :- ” I am grateful, to start a new day “, ” Every single day, I am improving myself, all thanks to my body “.                   Believe me practice positive affirmation in the morning really changes your mood throughout your day. 
  • Compliment others :- there are so many people around us, some of them help us to do thousands of task daily, they also deserve a compliment to smile 😸. If you say something good about other, they will not take up your life, maybe your small compliment makes their day more beautiful. 
  • Show gratitude towards your food :- most of people, watch  video while eating food. The which makes us alive, thankful for food to have in your plate, before eating food thanks every person who involve in make a meal and focus on the taste of food. That’s a mindfulness activity. 
  • Body care :- body care, taking care about every part of body, not only face and hair. Legs, naval area and other body parts are jealous of face and hair, that’s why, you face acidity😂. Take care of every part, wash and massage your foot at night, as well as other body. massage your body parts and say thank you to all for taking care of you. 
  • SMILE :- smile 😸 , that’s the best medicine, I ever heard of. Smile which boost the confidence level and improve the mood and others mood also. You don’t have to give the tax for smiling, smile for everything you are grateful for.

Gratitude practicing only takes few minutes in a day but it’s helps in your physical health as well as mental health and improve the relationship with other. 

By Positive thinking, it develop the strength to face the challenges and improve the mental health. Mental health is reflection of physical health as well as. One of the cure of depression. It is reminder for everyone , show some love for yourself and other. 

#mental health, #stress, #physical health, #morning affirmation, #positive thinking #food habits, #positivethinking 

Manisha Kumari



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