A Rare Love Story Script Wise Story


12th September 2024 | 20 Views | 0 Likes

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A Rare Love Story:



We see the bustling streets of New York City, with people going about their day. We focus in on two individuals walking in opposite directions.

We see JASON, a successful businessman in his late 20s, walking briskly down the street in a suit and tie. He is focused and determined, with a no-nonsense attitude.

We see LILI, a street performer in her early 20s, dancing and playing the violin on the sidewalk. She is free-spirited and carefree, with a bright smile on her face.

As Jason and Lili cross paths, they make brief eye contact. It’s clear that there is a spark of attraction between them.

JASON (voiceover) I saw her and it was like nothing else mattered. It was like my whole life had led up to that moment.

LILI (voiceover) He was the last person I expected to catch my eye, but something about him just drew me in.



We see Jason sitting at his desk, staring off into space, lost in thought.

JASON (voiceover) I couldn’t shake her from my mind. I knew I had to see her again.



We see Lili sitting at a easel, painting. She has a look of determination on her face as she works on her painting.

LILI (voiceover) I knew I had to see him again. I knew that our paths crossing like that couldn’t be a coincidence.



We see Jason and Lili meeting again on the street. They approach each other with a sense of excitement and nervousness.

JASON Hi, I’m Jason.

LILI Hi, I’m Lili.

JASON I know this is going to sound crazy, but I feel like I’m meant to know you.

LILI (smiling) I know what you mean.


We see Jason and Lili walking together, talking and laughing. They are clearly falling in love.

JASON (voiceover) It was like we were meant to be together. But I knew it wouldn’t be easy. Our worlds were so different.

LILI (voiceover) I knew we were different, but that’s what made it so special. Our love was rare and unique.



We see Jason and Lili walking into the distance, hand in hand.



Meeting and Falling in Love

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We see JASON and LILI sitting on a park bench, enjoying each other’s company. They are laughing and joking, clearly happy to be together.

JASON I can’t believe how much we have in common.

LILI I know, it’s crazy. I never thought someone like you would understand me.

JASON Someone like me? What do you mean?

LILI (hesitantly) Just, you know, a businessman. And me, a street performer.

JASON (smiling) That’s what makes us special. We’re different, but we make it work.

LILI (smiling) I love that about us.

They lean in for a kiss, and the camera lingers on their faces as they share an intimate moment.



We see Lili showing Jason her paintings. He is impressed by her talent and creativity.

JASON These are amazing, Lili. I had no idea you were such a talented artist.

LILI (laughing) I’m glad you think so. I’ve always loved painting, but I never thought it could be more than just a hobby.

JASON You should show these to a gallery. I know a few people who might be interested.

LILI (hesitantly) Really? You think so?

JASON (nodding) Absolutely. You have real talent, Lili. I want to help you succeed.

They embrace and the camera lingers on their faces as they share another intimate moment.



We see Jason working late at the office. Lili surprises him by bringing him takeout food.

JASON (smiling) Lili, you didn’t have to do this.

LILI (smiling) I know, but I wanted to. I know how hard you work.

JASON (laughing) You’re too good to me.

LILI (playfully) I’m just getting started.

They share a kiss and the camera lingers on their faces as they share a moment of #love and #affection.



We see Jason and Lili sitting on the same park bench as before, but this time they are holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes.

JASON (voiceover) I knew she was the one. I knew that our love was #rare and special.

LILI (voiceover) I felt the same way. I knew we were meant to be together.

They lean in for another kiss.


Challenges and Obstacles


We see JASON walking out of his office building, looking defeated. He is on the phone and we hear snippets of the conversation.

JASON (on phone) I understand, but I just can’t agree to that…I’ll have to talk to Lili…

He hangs up the phone and looks up to see LILI waiting for him on the curb. She can tell something is wrong.

LILI Jason, what’s wrong?

JASON (sighing) That was the board of directors. They’re not happy with my decision to invest in Lili’s art gallery. They think it’s a waste of company resources.

LILI (concerned) What are they going to do?

JASON (hesitantly) They want me to choose between the company and our relationship.

LILI (shocked) What? That’s not fair.

JASON (nodding) I know, but I won’t let them come between us. We’ll figure something out.

LILI (determined) Yes, we will.



We see JASON sitting at his desk, looking over paperwork. LILI enters the room and sits across from him.

LILI (hesitantly) Jason, I’ve been thinking. Maybe it’s best if I step away from the gallery. I don’t want to be the reason you lose your job.

JASON (shaking his head) No, Lili. I won’t let them control us like that. We’ll find another way.

LILI (nodding) Okay. But it’s not just that. My parents don’t approve of our relationship. They think you’re not good enough for me.

JASON (sighing) I know it’s hard, Lili. But we can’t let other people’s opinions control us. We love each other, and that’s all that matters.

LILI (smiling) You’re right. I love you, Jason.

JASON (smiling) I love you too, Lili.

They share a kiss and the camera lingers on their faces, showing the strength of their love for each other.



We see JASON and LILI sitting together in a meeting with the board of directors. They are calm and composed, despite the tension in the room.

JASON (clearly) I understand your concerns, but I believe in Lili and her art. I won’t let my relationship with her come between my job and my company. But I also will not let the company come between my relationship with Lili.

BOARD MEMBER 1 (impressed) Well, it’s clear that you are deeply committed to this relationship.

BOARD MEMBER 2 (nodding) Yes, we can see that. We’ll take your proposal under consideration.

JASON (nodding) Thank you.


Acceptances and Happiness

We see LILI’s art exhibit in full swing. The gallery is packed with people admiring her paintings, and LILI is surrounded by friends, family and admirers. JASON is by her side, beaming with #pride.

LILI (excitedly) I can’t believe this is happening. I never thought my #paintings would be in a gallery.

JASON (smiling) I always believed in you, Lili. You deserve this and more.

LILI (hugging him) Thank you, Jason. I couldn’t have done this without you.

They share a kiss as the camera pans out to show the entire gallery, filled with happy people enjoying Lili’s art.



We see JASON sitting at his desk, talking to his #boss. He looks relaxed and confident.

BOSS (smiling) I’m glad to see you’ve found a way to #balance your personal and professional life, Jason.

JASON (nodding) I have, and it’s all thanks to Lili.

BOSS (chuckling) Well, I must say, the #investment in her gallery has turned out to be a great decision.

JASON (smiling) I knew it would.

BOSS (smiling) You have a good heart, Jason. I’m glad you’re part of this company.

JASON (smiling) Thank you, I’m glad to be here.



We see LILI and JASON sitting in the living room, talking to LILI’s parents. They look uncomfortable but #resigned.

LILI’S MOTHER (hesitantly) We #apologize for not understanding your #relationship before, Jason.

JASON (nodding) It’s okay. I understand where you were coming from.

LILI’S FATHER (nodding) We can see how much you love our daughter. And that’s all that matters.

LILI (smiling) Thank you, mom, dad.

They all hug and the camera lingers on their faces, showing the happiness and acceptance they have found.


We see JASON and LILI sitting on the same park bench as before, but this time they are holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes with a sense of contentment.

JASON (voiceover) It wasn’t easy, but we did it. We found acceptance and happiness in our rare love.

LILI (voiceover) I wouldn’t want it any other way. Our love is special and unique, just like us.

They lean in for another kiss as the #camera lingers on their faces, showing the depth of their love for each other.



We see JASON and LILI sitting on the beach, watching the sunset. They are holding hands and smiling, looking content and happy.

JASON (voiceover) We’ve been through a lot together, Lili. But through it all, our love has only grown stronger.

LILI (voiceover) I know, Jason. Our love is rare and special. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

JASON (looking at Lili) I can’t imagine my life without you.

LILI (smiling) I feel the same way.

They share a kiss as the camera pans out to show the beautiful #beach and #sunset.


We see LILI’s art exhibit in full swing. The gallery is packed with people admiring her paintings, and LILI is surrounded by friends, family and admirers. JASON is by her side, beaming with pride.

LILI (voiceover) Our love helped me achieve my dream.


We see JASON sitting at his desk, talking to his boss. He looks #relaxed and confident.

JASON (voiceover) Our love helped me find balance in my #professional life.


We see LILI and JASON sitting in the living room, talking to LILI’s parents. They look comfortable and #happy.

LILI (voiceover) Our love helped us find acceptance from those around us.



We see JASON and LILI #sitting on the same park bench as before, but this time they are holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes with a sense of contentment.

JASON (voiceover) Our #love may be rare, but it’s real and it’s beautiful.

LILI (voiceover) I wouldn’t want it any other way.

They share another #kiss showing the depth of their love for each other.

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