Are You Growing as Frusturated Person–?

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12th September 2024 | 12 Views | 0 Likes

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Never Stop Learning

Other day I met my student Krishna in birthday party.She said ‘madam life has becomes too busy for me after #marriage.”

I said”Many girls in India after getting married think that taking care of house,children and in laws, talking on #whats up and being on social media is more than enough for them in life.”

Krishna said”madam I agree It is good to be home maker,but one should try to become disciplined and creative #home maker.”

I said”World is changing and it will always be changing. One thing home makers do not understand, if they limit themselves what they knew and try to remain in their #comfort zone of their earlier life that is not going to help them in their future life.”

Krishna said”it is IT world and ways of working of #IT world are continuously  changing.Even economy of every country and its rules of #money transaction are also changing.”

I said”Therefore each home maker should come out of comfort zone and learn the some thing new.”

Krishna said”as and when time permit ,home maker should try to follow  #passion to some extent if possible.”.

I said”if home makers do not learn trick of trade of changing world they will grow increasingly frustrated with their surroundings as they age.They will always have feeling of being neglected by society.”

Krishna said”Thanks so much for inspiring me to come out of my comfort zone.Now I will make sincere efforts to learn some things #new which will help me in pursuing my #passion“.

MORAL-Never give up #learning new things in life.Educate one self with tools of changing world.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK-1986


Sukarma Thareja



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