Bank Notes 941246 640(1)

Quote by Sukarma Thareja-Time-Health – money

    Sukarma Thareja

    12th November 2024 | 14 Views | 0 Likes

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    Every one needs some #money to lead full filled #happy  life.

    Some earn money till one is at end of one’s #adulthood,

    In the process some happen to #lose health,

    At cost of #earning money,

    Some happen to lose all #relationships with family,

    At cost of earning #money,

    Some spend this earned money in maintaining lost #health,

    Therefore they lose both #health and #earned money,

    Some do earn money but when get #back to family,

     after earning enough money,

    did not get #quality time, to spend  with children,

    As #children are out of house to #earn money.

    Moral-time is key factor in one’s life which make one to prioritize #health, #relation ship or #money in one’s life.

    Sukarma Thareja

    Alumnus IITK


    Money 496229 640

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