Our First Car Buying Experience

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12th September 2024 | 27 Views | 0 Likes

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         Every middle class man has a dream of buying a car. Because buying a new car in a middle class family is a big thing and happiest moment for the family members. Like all families we have also a very good experience when we bought our first car.

          The year was 2009. My father said us that he will buy a new car. For the first time a member of our family is going to buy a car. So we all were too much excited. But which car we will buy was not decided. Because, At that time smartphones and internet were not available everywhere like now. Nowadays many automobile related websites are also available on the internet from which we get infromations about the variants and prices of a car. So we decided to go to the showroom on the next day.

        Me and my father went to some car showrooms to choose a car which will fulfill our needs and also suitable with our budget. At last we chose a car which fulfill our needs and also suits with our budget. Then after discussing about the price and discount offers with the sales person, we booked the car and they gave us a quotation paper and some brochures of the car. Then we came to home.

        After coming to home we show that brochures to our family members which contains some photos of that car. We all are excited and eagerly waited for the day of our car’s delivery. After some days we got the confirmation date of our car’s delivery from the sales person of the showroom. Then we went to the showroom and saw our brand new car is waiting to get delivered. Our excitement level got doubled after seeing this scene because this is the dream of a middle class family’s man. After completing the paper works the sales person delivered the keys of our car to us. And the happiness of buying life’s first car was clearly seen in my father’s eye.

          After that we went to do the pooja of the new car. Our family members were eagerly waiting to see our family’s first car. Then we reached at home and All were so happy after seeing the car. Then my mother poured turmeric mixed water on the front side and tyres as there is a ritual in our side. So after completing all those things we distributed sweets to all of our family members and our neighbours.

           So this is our first car buying experience, which will always be remembered in our whole life because this was not only the first car for us but for our family also.

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