‘If you cannot cry openly, then how will you be able to laugh openly?’


3rd July 2024 | 18 Views | 0 Likes

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Life chooses to put you through lows you feel like you can never get out of, but the truth is you just need to let it all out to create the space for happiness and positivity inside you again. Crying over something, losing yourself due to something that broke you isn’t wrong, in fact it is your chance at building a newer better and stronger you. 

Suppressing your feelings and emotions may seem necessary to appear strong but this act will break you, it weakens your aura and it is wrong to deny it no matter how much positivity I show in life.

When something/one puts you down you always gotta look at the things and people that are holding out their hands to pick you up.

Sometimes you have to let yourself breakdown into a tiny little million pieces to rebuild yourself up into the masterpiece you’re truly meant to be, and you’ll emerge out into your true eternal grace no matter how rough and ugly the process might have been. It is okay to feel like you’re

“Nothing is ever so bad that it cannot be fixed.”

Even the world’s best sculptors have to melt everything down to make their greatest work of art, so we’re just humans full of emotions and sometimes the negative emotions should be allowed to overpower the positive ones so they can leave room for more positive emotions inside us and make us whole again.

shafaq ansari



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