Whispers of the dandelion


12th September 2024 | 5 Views | 0 Likes

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In fields of green, where sunbeams play,

A dandelion dances, light as day.

Its golden mane, a sun-kissed crown,

Unfurls to the breeze, floating down.

Each seed, a secret wish it holds,

Silent dreams in feathery folds.

Drifting on zephyrs, far and wide,

To find a place where dreams reside.

Oh, dandelion, resilient and free,

Teach me your art of letting be.

For in your fragile beauty, I find,

Hope takes flight on the wind’s kind.

And when the world seems gray and cold,

I’ll close my eyes, embrace the bold.

Whisper my wishes to the air,

Like dandelion seeds, everywhere.

Veronica selvan



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