Useless philosophical tranquility ( a poem on philosophy)


12th September 2024 | 1 Views | 0 Likes

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Useless philosophical tranquility 

where wisdom seeks to take charge,

Lies a notion that can leave us feeling somewhat vain.

It’s an elusive chase,

Where pondering and questioning find no solid base.

It beckons us with promises of profound understanding,

As we delve into realms of abstract thoughts expanding.

But amidst the musings and intellectual flights,

We can find ourselves lost in philosophical heights.

For in this pursuit, we may drift away from reality’s ground,

Lost in the abyss of ideas, profound yet unbound.

The tranquility sought, a mirage in the mind’s eye,

Leaving us yearning for answers that defy.

Philosophy, a world of questions left unanswered,

Leads us down paths where our minds can be rendered,

Detached from the present, seeking solace in the abstract,

But sometimes leaving our souls feeling emotionally wracked

Bhanu Prakash 132



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