A Few Nights Ago ( A Fictional Memoir )


12th September 2024 | 9 Views | 0 Likes

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Quitting an ADDICTION is easy,
I have done it a hundred times.
But this time it’s different, it felt hard.

It was that one perfect midnight,
I’m lonely in those cinderblock walls
where I started vaping, in a moment
my heart started beating so fast, I panicked with
The rush of visions from unknown HIGH

A swift change in my mood,
I still remember those ILLUSIONS & HALLUCINATIONS
which made me an electrifying hero,
a gothic dramatist to be precise.

This episode of HYSTERIA never happened
but repeated.
The scenes planted in my mind
never played out.
Maybe that’s paranoia.
I call it paranoid of stillness.

That EUPHORIA I felt,
That’s what I missed my whole life.
The PARANOIA I felt,
That’s what I swifted away my whole life.

I never used to that black abyss,
Now i dont have to.
With That one shot of kemorabi of sunshine
NOW is different.

I understood, through rehab, things about creating characters
A character, cannot be developed in ease and quiet
It happens only through the experience of trial and suffering.

Bhanu Prakash 132



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