Innumerable people live in this world. Some live in safety, some in danger, some in poverty, some in luxury, some in village while some in city. Every person have different challenges, situations, difficulties, exams in their daily life. We are humans, part and parcel of the Lord live accordingly unknown of the fate. Fate is a small thing to say, we are even unaware of what is going to happen in the next minute. But we do not stop living, right? We nano beings also surrender our problems, worries and prayers to him and continue with our life. Such was our brother Gopi.
Gopi was a poor boy who lived in a small village. His father Kishore worked in fields rigorously to provide living for his family and to provide education for his son. His mother Janani was ill and bedridden. She needed immense care. Gopi, being their only child was a ray of hope. He was their happiness, uplifter from their poverty, successor of their family, their treasure, their expectation etc. Just like we are of our parents irrespective of we being a single child or with siblings. Growing in such poverty, Gopi never lost hope. He was filled with enthusiasm and determination. He vowed to give all the joy to his parents.