17 Great Tips For Writing Fiction in 2024 (Become a Better Writer)

17 Great Tips For Writing Fiction & Becoming A Better Writer

3rd July 2024 | 31 Views | 0 Likes

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As a fiction writer, you must use creativity, perseverance, and many ideas to create compelling writing. That’s why we will show you some of the most excellent tips for writing fiction and improving your writing skills.

Writing is an essential skill that everyone should learn. It helps us express our thoughts and feelings, and it also helps us understand others better. This article will give you some helpful advice on improving your writing skills.

I am a writer with experience of over 400,000 words written. I never took any coaching/course for learning writing. I have learned it all by myself, becoming a better writer than I ever was. Over time, I have learned many great secrets for my writing. 

As a writer, I have written blogs, small e-books, prolonged e-books, fiction, and more. I will be sharing my best tips for writing fiction with you. Also, if you plan to focus on creative imagination writing in the form of stories, our Tips To Write A Story would help you improve your writing.

Best tips for writing fiction include wandering for creativity, taking inspiration from others, relentless practicing, and more.

So, without further ado, let’s get acquainted with some of the best tips for writing fiction.

Best Tips For Writing Fiction

Tip 1: Practice

We have all heard that “practice makes a man perfect.” Well, guess what? Practice makes a writer perfect as well. As a writer, I faced failures for almost a year without income.

Don’t be sad. One of the worst things you could do is to change your profession or genre. But how should you practice?

For fiction writers, my tip would be to open a dictionary, find a word randomly, and then try to write something creative about it. This will train your brain to find better ideas and become a better writer.

Practice makes perfect! If you want to become a writer, you need to put in the work. You must practice every day until you feel comfortable with what you’re doing.

Tip 2: Write Every Day

It’s not enough to read books and watch movies; you must also write them down. This will help you learn how to structure stories and develop characters.

Write daily, more or less, write something. When I got the idea for my first book, I decided to publish an ebook in 60 days. I had to write 50k+ words and choose marketing texts, book covers, and more in those 60 days. I did achieve it.

However, my book was terrible. But, writing about 1000 words daily for 60 days taught me more about writing than I learned in the previous 1.5 years. Even if that book failed, I was a far better writer than I could imagine. If you want to start writing freely and regularly, then you should the best place to do that is Milyin.

Tip 3: Review Yourself

I can’t understand the importance of reviewing yourself.

One of the essential tips for writing fiction is to do frequent reviews. Please read the text you wrote one week ago and compare it to your readers from 1 year ago.

Once I published my book, I looked back five days after posting it, and I could find so many places to improve myself. Those 60 days had improved me so much that I could discover the scope for making it a far better story five days after publishing.

Tip 4: Tip Read Other People’s Work

No. I am not promoting plagiarism. However, getting information from other sources is sometimes essential to growing as a writer.

As a fiction writer, you mostly tell stories from your perspective, and you have only finitely many independent ideas. Reading the text of other writers could help you have your Eureka moment and realize what you have been missing.

Tip 5: Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions.

Asking questions is a great way to improve your writing skills. This is a great tip for writing fiction for those who struggle to structure a story, develop characters, and make sure everything flows smoothly.

Ask other writers, ask people, and more. If you have existing content readers, ask them three things you could improve. Otherwise, ask random people to read your content. I like to ask people, “What are three things you would change in this wriwriteup make it more interesting?”

Asking such questions is always beneficial and is one of the most crucial tips for writing fiction.

Tip 6: Have Fun!

If you enjoy writing, then keep doing it. You might not become an expert writer overnight, but with practice, you will improve. And when you do start to feel more confident, try writing something new.

Writing, especially fiction writing, is all about creativity. Unlike journalism and blogging, you must enjoy the creative freedom you get as a fiction rider. You must have fun, make intentional mistakes, and try weird things.

See what sticks on the wall. Most things will fail, but a few will succeed, and you will be glad you did those things.

Tip 7: Cliffhangers

Even if you aren’t writing a mystery or horror fiction, you must always involve cliffhangers in your world. 

In simple dramatic fiction, you could use flashbacks to create cliffhangers. For example, in a romantic situation, you could create a proposal scene where the guy is on the knee, but just when the girl is about to say a “Yes” or “No,” you go into a flashback and spend some time in other events. Here are some of the best places to practice cliffhangers by writing short stories

There are many more things you can do to create interest. Here’s a pro tip for writers:

The best tip is to remember that as a writer, you can travel back and forth in time, which is your best weapon for creating interest and curiosity.

Tip 8: Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication

Even in the most complicated situations, try to use simple sentences. It would help if you tried to use the most straightforward possible sentences to explain. You are no Shakespeare, so it’s unnecessary to flex your vocabulary. 

People remember stories, not vocabulary. As a fiction writer, you must create memorable writeups regardless of language.

Tip 9: Create an Outline

This tip for writing fiction is handy for poets and long-form writers. When writing something big, knowing what you want to write and what areas to cover is essential.

Of course, while writing, you will have times when you must make changes to the initial plan. However, you always have to keep an eye on the outline to avoid deviating from your projects.

Tip 10: Zoom in and Zoom Out

Zooming in and Zooming out’s importance in writing is no less than its importance in movies. Sometimes, you have to mention unnecessary details to impact a given situation while letting it go other times.

This helps you quickly pace your stories, poems, and other writeupswriteupsdown. Sometimes, when you go through boring or monotonous patches in your fiction writeup, use this technique to spice things up. 

I sometimes provide intricate details in some writeupswriteupsn be brief and quick to keep the plot interesting. Don’t be inconsistent; be gradual, but zoom in smoothly and then zoom out quickly, and you’ll have a far better story at the end.

Tip 11: Ship and Iterate 

Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, used to have this mantra for its product development. Sometimes, our lack of confidence or deep fears never let us grow and improve. You keep trying to start with a clean slate, but you don’t realize that the slate is too worn out and need a new one.

Allow me to explain. Sometimes, you try to improve something before releasing it to the public. However, you aren’t making much progress. You will face these situations quite a lot as a Fiction writer. My tip is to ship it, which means to release it to the public, and then learn and start afresh with the learnings.

Do NOT hold onto something that’s not improving. Ship it, and then create the next iteration.

Tip 12: Mix Up

Mixing up is essential. Poems, stories, long writeups, everything else you can ever imagine to write won’t be good if it’s bland. Your readers expect to enjoy a variety of flavors in your write-up. writeup sweet, salty, and much more in your writeups.
Writeups up, mix things up enough to bring up a variety of tastes at various places.

Tip 13: Wander

As we move, I will tell you my favorite tips for writing fiction when you can’t get ideas. The information is to wander. Sometimes walking is all you need to do to find great ideas.

When I struggle, I find anything foolish to proceed with my write-up. Evwriteupgh I know that it’s a stupid idea, I continue. Why? Well, I know I will have to come back to rewrite it inevitably, but writing a wrong statement allows my mind to wander and possibly think of new ideas as I pursue that bad idea till the dead end.

Tip 14: Repetition

Poets use it very well. The best writers use it, too. You’d see many poems repeat some of the most critical lines in their poetry to emphasize the overall bind of the story.

As a writer, you can use this technique. The best tip for writing fiction is to repeat the most crucial traits, lines, and gags in your writing. For example, if you write up a particularly unique character trait, you should emphasize those traits throughout your story.

Or, if you are a story writer, you could create a gag that gets carried to the entire story.

Tip 15: Active Voice

Passive voice is dominant if you are a journalist or doing non-creative work. But, as a fiction writer, you play with emotions, feelings, excitement, and interest. 

That’s why try to avoid unnecessarily using passive voice. The active voice may sound a little boring, but it is always a lot easier to understand.

Tip 16: Avoid Unnecessary Details

Okay, I get it. I only asked you to go into unnecessary details in the Zoom In and Zoom Out section. But here’s the thing: if you are going at a swift pace, every extreme detail becomes fluff for the reader.

Feel your writing. Feel the pace of your writing. Detailing is good, but unnecessary details are wrong. If you are moving fast in a particular portion, be fast, brief, and extremely specific. Leave the fluff for the irrelevant sections.

Tip 17: Tension

This is particularly important for story writers. If you are writing a story, try to build tension, a gradual build-up of the upcoming event, for example, a few small irrelevant things like untimely rain or unlucky events before that significant bad news.

This creates a mood and sets the tone. Sometimes, you want to surprise the reader with a very unexpected moment. You must understand the difference between surprising and shocking. A surprise becomes a shock if the build-up is improper.


Today, writing quality content is possible to be a great fiction writer. Gripping stories are written with total effort and dedication and will yield you success.

As a writer, my best tips would help you become a better writer in the long run.

Thanks for Reading,

Warm Regards,

Aditya Milyin




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