A software testing guide – Everything you need to know

Software Testing

12th September 2024 | 16 Views | 0 Likes

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Suppose your organization has been working on a product for more than two years and wishes to launch the first version soon. However, they are nervous and excited because they are fully confident about their work quality. 

When the day of its release comes, they find the application feature-rich and great. However, they come across bugs incorporated into the app. The end-users will find it unworthy of use. At this point, you can prevent the occurrence of bugs through software testing.

No organization is perfect. They make mistakes. Getting better outcomes of high frequency is the actual definition of success for companies. Before reaching the end goal, they have to deal with human errors. 

A manual error should not be considered while delivering a good quality product. It would be best if you had something to detect the errors and bugs to ensure you have a high-quality product. Software quality assurance testing is the best solution for any software development company.

What is software testing?

Software testing is done when the testers recognize any issues or errors from the developed product. It is also utilized to check whether the actual results suit the expected outcomes. 

Testing in software engineering also helps recognize missing requirements, gaps, or defects. Testing is necessary before an organization even releases the product into the current market. It involves inspection, analysis, monitoring, and assessing the outcome.

Many expert testers utilize manual testing with automated tools as a combination while testing a product. After performing software testing, the testers report the results to the development team. The end goal is to deliver a high-quality product to the end-user, so testing is essential.

Importance of software testing

Based on the user’s response, you can detect the significance of software testing. It fulfils the customers and assures you of a high-quality product. It will promise you reliability, excellent user experience, and better business optimization. It means putting iterative efforts into shaping an error-free and robust software product. 

Even though there are developers and designers, software testing plays a critical part in the software development process. After the development process is performed in a software development life cycle, the testing process stays behind. It is ready to test and validate the code lines in your developed software product. 

You can see that it is a continuous process of verification and validation in delivering a quality software product. Every test phase determines the efficiency and the performance of the application or system. It will make you sure whether the particular software product meets the business needs or not. 

You will understand the importance of testing the software in the final software quality assurance report. When the software product successfully passes through all the levels, the testers will obtain a quality-assured one that can perform beyond expected. At every level of the testing phase, testers can detect the errors and also try to prevent them from occurring further. Rectifying the mistakes in product quality and fixing them right away can let you get an improvised application or software. 

Benefits of software testing in software development

Let’s discuss the advantages of software testing in software development. 

Improves product quality:

It enhances the entire software quality of the product during the software development process. The simple fact is to know that your software has to function correctly. It needs to be efficient in performing jobs with low risk and be bug-free. 

It is impossible to know whether your product is good until you test it. This way, you can get the right product, meeting your expected results exactly. 

Inspires consumer satisfaction and confidence:

It is better not to launch your software product in the market before testing. Because if you release the one with bugs and errors, customers do not feel it is worth using.

So, doing testing in the early stages after development lets your consumers know that you care about their experience of using the product. Meeting the user’s requirements during the software development process leads to a long-lasting bond. 

Improves security:

When your software seems to fail, it is not just about sacrificing the user’s experience but also software security. The time a consumer uses your product, they keep their systems and data at risk. 

With the testing, you can deliver the error and bug-free software without facing any risks. It safeguards their essential data and gains their trust. 

Saves money:

The software development process includes different stages. It requires coordination between other teams and cooperation while performing various tasks where sometimes things might go wrong. 

When it happens, you have to spend money to fix things. It is where software testing is used to detect the issues and bugs and then set them early by saving you money. 

Types of software testing techniques

Software Testing Techniques

To ensure your software or application is error or bug-free, you have to perform different types of testing. So, let’s discuss the software testing types:

Software is categorized into two parts –

  1. Manual testing

  2. Automation testing

Manual testing:

Testing done based on clients’ needs without using any involvement of automation tools is manual testing. Depth knowledge is not required to perform manual test cases.

Manual testing types –

  • White-box testing

  • Black box testing

  • Grey box testing      

Let’s discuss these manual testing types here:

  1. White box testing:

The developer will analyze each code line in this testing before passing it to the concerned test engineers or testing team. 

It is called white-box testing because the developer can see the entire code during testing. The intention of implementing this testing is to highlight the inputs and outputs flow over the software and make sure to provide app security. 

      2. Black box testing:

The test engineer will inspect the software as per the business requirements to detect any bugs or defects in black-box testing. Then, they pass it on to the team of developers. 

The development team will work on fixing the defects, later do white box testing and pass it back to the testing group.

The intention behind performing this testing is to describe the user’s requirements or business needs. 

Black box testing types –

There are two types of black-box testing: Functional and nonfunctional testing. 

Functional testing:

In functional testing, the tester will monitor all the components as per the specification of requirements. It is a part of black-box testing because it is more attentive to app needs than the original code. Here, the test engineer does not test the entire system but tests only the program. 

Functional testing types –

  1. Unit testing: 

It is the starting step where you test any app or software. In unit testing, the test engineer tries the functionality of all modules or application modules independently. The primary purpose of this testing is to authenticate every unit component with the performance. 

     2. Integration testing:

Integration testing is where the testers test the flow of information among dependent modules. It is performed to test the accuracy of statements between every module. 

Integration testing types –

There are two types of integration testing: incremental testing and non-incremental testing. 

Incremental testing:

In this testing, the testers add up the modules and test the data flow among the modules. 

Incremental testing types –

  • Top-down:

In Top-down incremental integration testing, the modules are added one after another or incrementally test the flow of data among the modules. The testers need to make sure that they add the child of previous ones.

  • Bottom-up:

Modules are added incrementally in bottom-up incremental integration testing or by verifying the flow of information between the components. The testers have to ensure that they add modules of the parent of previous ones.

Non-incremental testing:

When testers feel that the flow of data is complicated to detect the child or parent module, at this point, testers use non-incremental testing. The Big Bang method is another name for non-incremental testing. 

       3. System testing:

Once testers perform unit and integration testing, they can move on to system testing. It is also known as end-to-end testing. The testers analyze each software attribute and do testing to ensure the end features operate along with the business needs. It thoroughly examines the total product system. 

Nonfunctional testing:

Nonfunctional testing is the next part of black box testing. It offers you with entire information details of the product and the technologies used in it. It will help you in minimizing software-related prices and production risk.

Nonfunctional testing types –

Here, let’s discuss the types of nonfunctional testing.

  1. Performance testing:

In performance testing, some load is applied by the test engineer while testing the working of an application. The tester will concentrate only on the characteristics like load, response time, scalability, and stability.

Performance testing types –

These are the different types of performance testing, they are:

Load testing:

Some load is applied to specific applications for checking the performance of an application in load testing. Here, the load used might be more or equal to the actual load. 

Stress testing:

In stress testing, the testers analyze the software’s robustness and user-friendliness beyond the limits of standard functionalities. It is the testing process used for critical software but can also be done for other software apps.

Stability testing:

The application’s performance is evaluated by applying some load for a particular time in stability testing. It mainly verifies the efficiency and problems in the software quality. Even in stressful conditions, testers can find defects.

Scalability testing: 

In this testing, you reduce the load in particular situations or analyze the application’s performance. In scalability testing, the testers verify the processes, systems, and database ability to fulfil an upward requirement. Here, test cases are implemented with excellent efficiency. 

       2. Usability testing:

In usability testing, the testers test the application’s user-friendliness and find the bugs in the end-user interface of the software.

      3. Compatibility testing:

Compatibility testing is done in particular software environments or hardware to check the application functionality. When an app is functionally stable, then only you can perform this testing. 

      3. Grey box testing:

The collaboration of white box testing and black box testing is Grey box testing. This testing is done by the individuals who can do coding and testing.

Automation testing:

Automation testing is an essential part of software testing. It utilizes particular automation tools to detect bugs or errors without the involvement of a human. 

The testing provides you with testing coverage, efficiency, and productivity. It is utilized to rerun the test cases after executing them manually and quickly.

Few other software testing types

Smoke testing:

Before deep testing, smoke testing tests an app’s critical and essential features. The main intention of doing this testing is to analyze the application’s core workflow and significant functions. 

Sanity testing:

Sanity testing is performed to ensure the bugs and errors are fixed, and no additional problems are faced. You cannot document these testing because it is unscripted. The correctness of freshly added components and features is determined using this testing. 

Regression testing:

In regression testing, the term regression means re-testing the unaffected application parts. It is the proper testing for automation tools. Regression testing is where developers fix the bugs and test other application features, which are simulated due to correcting errors and bugs. 

User acceptance testing:

The testing performed by the individual team as the client domain customer or expert and knowing the app before acceptance of the final product is user acceptance testing. The business and real-time scenarios are analyzed in this testing. 

Security testing:

In security testing, the testers can identify software applications’ risks, threats, and weaknesses. It will help us prevent the apps from outsiders and ensure that the application is secure. 

Interface testing:

Interface testing is capable of finding whether two particular software systems are communicating with each other correctly or not.

Volume testing:

In volume testing, the tester analyzes the performance of a system by increasing the volume of data in the database. It deals with software that is subjected to a large amount of information.

Install testing:

Install testing is where the testing is performed to verify whether the software is correctly installed and all features are incorporated correctly or not. 

Recovery testing:

Recovery testing is like a testing activity to know how well a software application recovers from hardware failures, crashes, and other issues. 

Reliability testing:

Reliability testing is performing testing to know software’s ability operations and testing in a provided environmental circumstances where it helps uncover the problems that occurred in software functionality and design. 

Compliance testing:

Compliance testing is one of the nonfunctional testing techniques performed to verify and validate whether the developed system suits the prescribed standards of an organization. 

Localization testing:

The testers verify the software’s accuracy, suitability, and behaviour for particular regions and locations in localization testing. It could be from anywhere, like a city or an entire nation. It is the technique that tests how specific software behaves when utilized in various fields. 


So, this is the ultimate guide on software testing and software testing types. Whether it be a startup or a large-scale enterprise, QATTS provides you with unique tools to enhance your organization’s development and testing procedure. It is highly recommended as it is the best software testing service provider.


Niharika Bitla



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