99 Karma Inspirational Quotes


12th September 2024 | 40 Views | 0 Likes

Disclaimer from Creator: I believe in Karma. All these quotes are truly inspiring to me. Hope they resonate with you! Yours, Parenteeny

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  1. “Karma is the echo of our actions reverberating through our lives.”

  2. “In the grand scheme of things, karma always finds its way.”

  3. “Karma is not punishment; it’s a mirror reflecting our choices.”

  4. “The universe has a perfect memory—karma ensures nothing is forgotten.”

  5. “Karma is the balance sheet of life, ensuring that what goes around comes around.”

  6. “Our actions write the script of our karma.”

  7. “Karma is the gentle teacher that reminds us to be mindful of our deeds.”

  8. “In the garden of life, karma is the harvest we reap.”

  9. “Karma is the boomerang of our intentions.”

  10. “Karma doesn’t discriminate; it treats everyone equally.”

  11. “Karma is the GPS of our moral compass.”

  12. “Our deeds are the seeds, and karma is the harvest.”

  13. “Karma is the invisible thread that connects us all.”

  14. “In the end, we are all prisoners of our own karma.”

  15. “Karma is the sum of our actions, words, and thoughts.”

  16. “You can’t cheat karma; it always keeps its books balanced.”

  17. “Karma is the currency of the universe; spend it wisely.”

  18. “Good karma is the sweet fruit of a virtuous life.”

  19. “Karma is the echo of our intentions.”

  20. “Karma is the reflection of our soul’s journey.”

  21. “Life is the canvas, and karma is the paint.”

  22. “Karma reminds us that every action has a consequence.”

  23. “Karma is the master of its own courtroom.”

  24. “In the end, karma is the final judge and jury.”

  25. “Karma is the circle of life, constantly turning.”

  26. “Karma is the river of cause and effect that flows through our existence.”

  27. “Every action sets ripples in motion, and karma ensures they return.”

  28. “Karma teaches us that nothing ever truly goes unnoticed.”

  29. “Karma is the gentle reminder that life is a web of interconnectedness.”

  30. “Karma is the music of the cosmos playing in the background of our lives.”

  31. “Karma is the melody of our deeds echoing through eternity.”

  32. “In the grand tapestry of existence, karma is the thread of accountability.”

  33. “Karma is the universal balancing act of cause and effect.”

  34. “Karma doesn’t miss a beat; it records every note of our lives.”

  35. “Karma is the invisible force that shapes our destinies.”

  36. “Karma is the architect of our fate, designing our path.”

  37. “In the theater of life, karma is the director of the show.”

  38. “Karma is the mirror reflecting our past and predicting our future.”

  39. “Karma is the silent narrator of our life’s story.”

  40. “Karma is the ledger of our deeds, balancing the books of our existence.”

  41. “Karma is the compass guiding us on our moral journey.”

  42. “In the symphony of existence, karma is the conductor of harmony.”

  43. “Karma is the bridge connecting our past, present, and future.”

  44. “Karma is the sculptor shaping the masterpiece of our life.”

  45. “Karma is the choreographer of our dance with destiny.”

  46. “Karma is the guardian of justice in the universe.”

  47. “Karma is the mirror that reflects our soul’s evolution.”

  48. “In the garden of karma, the seeds we plant today become the flowers of tomorrow.”

  49. “Karma is the silent architect of our kismet.”

  50. “Karma is the tapestry woven from the threads of our choices.”

  51. “In the theater of life, karma is the scriptwriter of our destiny.”

  52. “Karma is the gentle whisper of consequences.”

  53. “Karma is the clockwork of the cosmic order.”

  54. “Karma is the guardian of our moral compass.”

  55. “In the grand mosaic of existence, karma is the mosaicist of our fate.”

  56. “Karma is the mirror reflecting the reflection of our actions.”

  57. “Karma is the architect of our soul’s journey.”

  58. “Karma is the lighthouse guiding us through life’s storms.”

  59. “Karma is the compass of our moral voyage.”

  60. “In the symphony of existence, karma is the composer of our destiny.”

  61. “Karma is the silent whisperer of consequences.”

  62. “Karma is the sculptor shaping our life’s statue.”

  63. “Karma is the guardian of cosmic justice.”

  64. “In the gallery of life, karma is the artist of our destiny.”

  65. “Karma is the gardener tending to the flowers of our actions.”

  66. “Karma is the balance sheet of the universe, always seeking equilibrium.”

  67. “Karma is the gentle reminder that every choice matters.”

  68. “Karma is the mirror that reflects the truth of our intentions.”

  69. “Karma is the guiding star on our moral compass.”

  70. “In the mosaic of life, karma is the artist painting our path.”

  71. “Karma is the silent witness to our actions.”

  72. “Karma is the clock ticking to the rhythm of our deeds.”

  73. “Karma is the guardian of cosmic order.”

  74. “In the symphony of existence, karma is the conductor of our fate.”

  75. “Karma is the silent observer of our choices.”

  76. “Karma is the sculptor crafting our life’s story.”

  77. “Karma is the balance keeper of the universe.”

  78. “In the garden of life, karma is the gardener of our actions.”

  79. “Karma is the gentle reminder that every cause has an effect.”

  80. “Karma is the mirror reflecting the reflection of our intentions.”

  81. “Karma is the compass guiding us on our moral path.”

  82. “In the theater of life, karma is the playwright of our destiny.”

  83. “Karma is the guardian of cosmic justice.”

  84. “Karma is the silent narrator of our life’s tale.”

  85. “Karma is the ledger of our deeds, balancing the scales of our existence.”

  86. “Karma is the clockwork of the cosmic order.”

  87. “In the mosaic of existence, karma is the artist shaping our destiny.”

  88. “Karma is the gentle whisperer of consequences.”

  89. “Karma is the mirror reflecting the truth of our actions.”

  90. “Karma is the compass of our moral journey.”

  91. “Karma is the gardener tending to the flowers of our intentions.”

  92. “In the symphony of life, karma is the conductor of harmony.”

  93. “Karma is the silent observer of our choices.”

  94. “Karma is the sculptor carving the statue of our fate.”

  95. “Karma is the balance keeper of the cosmic scales.”

  96. “Karma is the mirror reflecting the reflection of our deeds.”

  97. “Karma is the compass guiding us on our moral voyage.”

  98. “Karma is the architect of our destiny, building our path brick by brick.”

  99. “In the theater of life, karma is the playwright

#karma  #destiny  #quotes  #lifequotes  #inspiration  #parenteeny 

Parenteeny P



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