I have been teaching science in school.To make my lesson more efective I often do science arts writing to train young minds.In my co curricular activity time the topic for debate was how to lead best possible life.Students wrote very interesting answers.Some students were confused if they could have better materialistic things available to them,they would have lead a better full life.To make my students understand what is full life and how to lead fullest life I wrote poem” Fullest Life” and pasted on notice board of school.Same poem I am listing below for my esteem readers
Life is such a wide #umbrella, How to get my# fullest life, I ask this question many times, To my beloved soul. With a cup of #coffee in my hand, I sat in my balcony, I realized to lead the #fullest life, I must concentrate on coffee, Not on# cup of coffee, Why so asked my# soul.  Coffee is life, But cup in which is contained coffee, Is like job, money, position in life, but not life, They are# means to lead life. Most #affluent are not people, Who have everything in life, Most affluent are people, Who# utlise their 3resources, In the best possible way, And remain happy. This understanding# spontaneous, Made #crystal clear all my doubts, I lost all my# false fears of life, And gained my happiest# fullest life.
~Sukarma Rani Thareja
Alumnus IITK 1987
Kanpur, India