From struggle to smile


12th September 2024 | 3 Views | 0 Likes

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Quite often, you forget, 
You forget to appreciate
the good days,
the people who stuck around at your lowest,
To acknowledge the fact that you’ve earned it, the happiness, the joy, the calm, all of it 
It doesn’t come easy, no.. after going through heartbreaks, mental breakdowns, multiple bad days,
Days when you want to give up, when you can barely manage get up from the bed, when you feel like a loser.
When all you can wonder about is, what did I do to deserve this!?
And then suddenly one day you wake up, and you just don’t feel the same way anymore. 
it starts getting better, you learn acceptance, you learn patience 
and you believe in everything happen for a reason.
Be kind because you deserve it, and you’ve been through hell and are finally falling in love with your flaws. 
To loving yourself a little more each day💗

saachi bafna



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