How To Convince Your Parents

How To Deal With 510x510 (1)

12th September 2024 | 1243 Views | 0 Likes

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This would be the most important topic for specially teenagers because in today’s world it is a very difficult task to convince your parents. But today this blog would be very helpful for you in achieving your targets. The mindset of old fashioned parent is very difficult to change so you need to just modify it a little bit that’s it. Many of the teenagers remain anxious all the time because their parents don’t listen to them. Whatever they want to do there are always restrictions on it. That’s why there is an increased amount of oral fight between parents and their child. Not only teenagers but all age group child will surely face this. But creating a negative thought towards parent is wrong. This will make the condition worse. #PROBLEMS:- There ate many things and technologies that are being invented every day which may attract students mind and soul and to get that they argue with their parents. This is the common problem. Now parents not much knowing about the product refuse to get them or find it a waste. Images (1) SOLUTION:- In this case first of all you need to search a lot about the new tech. Is it right for you, safe for you and what’s the basic need of it. When you get the answers of all these questions than approach your parents when in a good mood talk to them very politely. Discussing all these questions and answers with them. Because these are the basic questions that every parent raise in front of their child. So answer them and give them ample time to think over it. Don’t force them daily rather insert the topic into some kind of humor in daily life. #PROBLEM:- This is also a problem but many parents are being aware and letting their child choose his carrear option or the passion he wants to follow. But still some parents want their own dreams to be fulfilled by their child. And will forcefully make him choose the wrong track Images (2) SOLUTION:- Following your passion is an amazing thing which only leads you to success. That’s why we have such great personalities, sportsman and many other who only followed their passion and are at such great heights. Make your parents feel the need to follow you passion. Show them the results you would be getting 5 years later. On which they could trust you. Make them assure and that’s it. #PROBLEM:- Many children feel that they are the only right person in this world. And want everyone to listen to them and follow their instructions. Parents tend to make them feel that they are wrong which leads to difference in opinions. Images (4) SOLUTION:- A major part this problem can be solved by children only. They need to understand that someone who is 2.5 times older will surely have adequate knowledge about maximum things. For some new thing they may not be aware, so making them look down in such situation is wrong. Help them gain better knowledge because at some time of your life you were totally dependent on them and they have helped you learn a lot without showing you down. Put up your points but not in a negative way #PROBLEM:- Going late night in parties and often going to such parties are not allowed in many houses. As parents isntantly refuses. And who don’t love parties. Being rude to them is a major problem Images (3) SOLUTION:- Give them results in your studies straight away. Get good marks, behave properly with them and not being rude to them is the key to get your independence back. Just do it for sometime and you will see a drastic change in the behavior of your parents. As making them happy will only help you to be happy. #PROBLEM:- Sometimes by following your passion some may enter such choices which seems to be dangerous to life. And parents stand right up in not allowing their ward to do such things like stunts,etc. Deal With Narcissistic Parents Power Of Positivity SOLUTION:- Have a talk with them. Make them aware of the safety devices used which could save life to an extreme extent. And assure them that it’s safe. Building a confidence in them would help you proceed further and at some point of time they would be encouraging you for your activity. #PROBLEM:- Many parents get angry when they see their child sitting freely and not doing anything. They tend to scold a lot. When children argue than they fear them by taking off their things right away. SOLUTION:- Give them your schedule of the day and timing of your studies. Get good marks and let them know that when you want to sit free and when your study. Sometimes they may not see you study but get to see you when you are free. Make them aware ad your problem is solved. But never argue. Parents These were the common problems which had been a turning point in child’s life. Till my next creation be safe, be happy and life your life. Thank you              

Tejas Gautam



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