Unlocking Inner Peace: Exploring the Wisdom of Waheguru Teachings

Meaning Of Waheguru Ji Teachings Right Way To Live

12th September 2024 | 2458 Views | 0 Likes

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In the 21st Century, more than ever before, we are seeing corruption, communal violence, radicalisation, and sheer selfishness. As a society, we must get back to the valuable wisdom in the Waheguru Teachings for moral values, & cultural norms. These teachings of Waheguru are the only way to improve as a society and get on the path of enlightenment.

Today we discuss all the Waheguru teachings about humanity, relationships, ethics, and many more, the lessons and principles that Waheguru teaches the right way to live.

Waheguru is the soul of Sikhism. Sikhism was built on the Words of Sikh gurus. Sikh Gurus, with their words, moulded the entire Sikhism over the generations. Some of these gurus spoke about Waheguru too.

Waheguru Teachings teach us many important lessons, but Waheguru has many short studies too. Guru Nanak, who is one of the most significant Sikh Gurus also gave crucial lessons.

What are the 5 Teachings of Guru Nanak Ji?

Below are our favourite 5 main Teachings of Guru Nanak Ji:

  • Pivoting to Truth
  • Avoiding Ego, Lust, Greed, and Attachment towards Materialistic things
  • Equality, Unity, and Brotherhood
  • Support the right and never tolerate Evil.
  • Be Honest and earn only what you deserve without fraud or cheating

Guru Nanak taught us that one needs to have submission to the will of God. One has to do the deed, and the rest should be left to god everything happens with God’s choice.

Those were some of the many teachings of Guru Nanak Ji.

God will do what is good for us. We simply have to have faith and walk on the path of truth.

Understanding the Meaning of Waheguru Ji is no cakewalk, it’s deep, and you have to carefully break down the word “Waheguru” to understand its meaning.

Ik Onkar

Guru Nanak has formulated that there is only one god. Despite various religions, there exists only one almighty.  Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, ” I am neither Hindu Nor Muslim, I am a follower of God”, which spoke about his belief in one god.

In Sikhism, the god is omnipresent, shapeless, timeless, and sightless. ( Nirankar, akar, lakh). Sikhism stresses that before creation there was God, and because of His will ( Hukam), the Illusion ( Maya of attachment and enticement) came into being.

The deed is in our hands, but the result is not in our hands. Fearing the result we can’t stop our deeds. 

Waheguru Teachings show that he believed in rebirth, for him god had no religion and no gender, God would reward us based on our deeds. Waheguru Teachings about Religion used the term “Ik Onkar” The symbol is written in the Gurmukhi script and has several components.

  • Ik stands for the Gurmukhi numeral “One“.
  • On is a combination of O and An stands for “Everything“.
  • Kar is inferred and stands for “Creator“.

Waheguru Teachings about Speaking Truth

I hope you are enjoying learning the Waheguru Teachings…

Similar to Waheguru Teachings, the Word Waheguru itself is super deep, Waheguru Meaning is crucial in understanding Sikhism properly

Guru Nanak Dev Ji told in front of King Babar “You are not Babar but JABAR”. We should always speak the truth without any fear. According to Guru’s doctrine, the victory of truth is not dependent on ending or suppressing falsehood but on standing firmly by truth.

That is why Guru Nanak Dev Ji exhorts that to stick to the truth and to remain on the side of truth when it is necessary is very essential. 

One should always state the truth and never depend on lying. As per Sikhism truth is high, but the highest is truthful living.

Importance of Honest Earnings

Honest Earnings: Earning/making a living honestly, without exploitation or fraud. Naam japo ( focus on God): Meditating on God’s name to control the five weaknesses of the human personality. Vand chako (Sharing with others): Sharing with others, helping those in need.

According to Waheguru, 3 duties that a Sikh must carry out are:

  • Kirat Karo: Earning a living with honesty.
  • Vand Chakko: Helping Others, and sharing with others
  • Naam Japna: Meditating in the God’s Name

Guru Nanak’s Vision about Castism and Division of Society

Guru Nanak’s life was in a century filled with Caste-based extreme discrimination, it was a curse to be a human sometimes, seeing what he saw with the caste society at his time, he was strongly against it.

Forgiveness and letting go are transformative practices taught in Waheguru philosophy that contribute to the attainment of inner peace. Waheguru teachings emphasize the importance of releasing grudges, resentments, and negative emotions towards oneself and others.

Forgiveness involves choosing to let go of the hurt and pain caused by others’ actions or our own mistakes. It is not about condoning or forgetting the wrongdoing, but about releasing the emotional burden that comes with holding onto past grievances. By forgiving, individuals free themselves from the chains of anger, resentment, and bitterness, allowing space for healing and inner peace to flourish.

The situation in India at the time of Guru Nanak Ji’s birth concerning caste discrimination: To understand how big this caste-based discrimination we need to go back 550 years. When a dog could walk up to the well of so-called high-caste people, but a person belonging to the low caste could not dare to walk near the same well.

Even before we learn what were Waheguru’s Teachings on Casteism, we need to understand why he believed in those teachings and what circumstances brought this condition. Some examples of prevailing mindset in society at that time were :

Born of the feet of Brahma, if a shudra speaks harshly to Brahmin, Kshatriya, or Vaish, the king should get his tongue cut. (Manu Simariti Chap. 8, S: 270)

If a shudra calls people from other castes harshly then put an eight-inch-long hot iron rod in his mouth.
If a shudra, in pride, instructs a Brahmin in dharma then the king should put hot oil in his mouth and ears. (Manu Simariti Chap. 8, S: 271-271)

Waheguru was strongly against all artificially created divisions and all discrimination, both in word and deed. He said that a person’s caste is based on what he does. Everybody is equal before God, irrespective of gender, colour, caste, or creed, and it is our actions that move us closer or further away from Him.

He put forward the thought that salvation occurs not from pilgrimage or rites etc, but through heart, spirit, and soul. For this to happen, continuous seeking of knowledge must take place, which is dependent on one’s guru.  Everybody needs a Guru. Make your Guru Gurbani, the Shabad, and not the ways of the world, i.e. fame and fortune.

Waheguru’s Thoughts About Revenge

Waheguru’s Teachings teach us not to wish for revenge. Our nature has become like that when someone hit us with one punch, we will, in return, hit him 4 points. But what Guru Nanak Dev Ji teaches us. To forgive everyone instead of taking revenge for what they did. This topic is linked to how we should treat Bad People, which I’ll discuss later.

Rather Waheguru has taught their followers to do service and charity, and the concept of Langar, which is to help others without expecting anything in return, prevails. Sikhs are energetic, and they are selfless too. This can be seen even today, as Sikhs comprise 2% of India’s population but 16% of India’s armed forces.

All the Waheguru Teachings of Life are vital in their way, as Sikhism believes in God being omnipresent, they believe that if something wrong happens with you, you do not revenge it, God will make conditions of reward/punishment as and when deserves by each human whenever needed.

Do not take revenge, God is there to do that work on your behalf

Most Important: Waheguru’s Teachings Women’s Position in Our society

“ So kyo mnda Aakhiye Jit jamhe Rajan”

Translation: Why do we call her bad or low, who gives birth to even kings. 

Greater than every king/emperor that history has ever recorded, is the mother of the emperor. The mother from which the King is born is mightier thanking himself.

Similarly, our Women are the ones who take humanity forward, they are the ones who carry the human race forward, therefore they deserve to have high respect in society.

From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to the woman, he is engaged and married.

Bhanddahu Hovai Dhosathee Bhanddahu Chalai Raahu 

Waheguru Teachings: Decoding all Teachings of Waheguru

Waheguru Teachings: Decoding all Teachings of Waheguru


Waheguru was against superstitions, false rituals, worship of demi-gods and goddesses.

He stressed that only One God, the Formless, is to be glorified. In this way, he showed the path of truth and enlightenment.

It’s an honor for me to dedicate a small piece of my article to our GURU NANAK DEV JI whose whole knowledge cannot be summed up in one small article. Have a great day

Like every baseless malpractice, Guru Nanak also never believed in Sikhism, that false believes should have no place in the world, Waheguru’s teachings about superstition, stand true even today, we tend to believe in so many false things just because we heard them.

But we should never believe in anything without a logical understanding of the same.

Conclusion: Applying Waheguru Teachings to everyday life

While the teachings of Waheguru offer profound wisdom, their true power lies in their application to everyday life. Waheguru teachings encourage individuals to integrate these teachings into their daily routines and interactions, allowing them to experience the transformative power of inner peace in all aspects of life.

One practical way to apply Waheguru teachings is through the practice of Seva. Seva, which translates to selfless service, involves helping others without expecting anything in return. By engaging in acts of Seva, individuals cultivate a sense of humility, gratitude, and compassion while also contributing to the well-being of others. This practice not only brings joy and fulfilment but also deepens the connection between individuals and the divine, fostering inner peace.

Another way to apply Waheguru teachings is through the practice of Simran. Simran involves the repetition of sacred words or mantras as a form of meditation and devotion. By engaging in Simran, individuals can still the mind, connect with the divine, and experience a sense of inner calm and peace. This practice can be incorporated into daily routines, such as during morning or evening prayers or during moments of solitude and reflection throughout the day.

Living in harmony with nature is another important aspect of applying Waheguru teachings to everyday life. Waheguru teachings emphasize the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of preserving and respecting the natural world. By adopting sustainable practices, cultivating a deep reverence for nature, and making conscious choices that minimize harm to the environment, individuals can align their actions with the divine will and contribute to the overall well-being of the planet.

Akarshit Mahajan



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