Be Courageous-Take out Your Mask
Sometimes it is essential to take out mask of remaining quiet and please do express your point of view when need arises.
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Sometimes it is essential to take out mask of remaining quiet and please do express your point of view when need arises.
Family practising good value system in life has brilliant #home makers
Ikigai philosophy recommends overlap of love, passion and mission, knowledge, duties and values in every society.
Author Sukarma Thareja in her story”Index of Luxury Life” describes that Peace of mind which is inside is parameter of highest luxury life.
Long live the blood that saves the world “Ha ha! This is the order. Only if I send it out….. “Stop” “Who are you?” Inside a grand white building in a highly technological country in the world , two reddish-brown bodies, each with eight legs but no wings, are ready to fight. “You stupid ass! Don’t do that! You will destroy the world.” ”This is… Read More »flash fiction-Long live the blood that saves the world
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