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Quote about Life:


Sometimes A Single Smile Can Make Someone's Day 20240730 020833 0000

Wonders of A Smile:

We often underestimate the beautiful little things in our lives. We take them for granted. We don’t value them as we get to have them without any effort. One of such things is a smile of a near and dear one. We don’t appreciate it until we lose it.  A single smile can do wonders. It can lit our life and make us forget whatever… Read More »Wonders of A Smile:

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#milyin#writingcommunity#creator#prose#creativity#reality#Life#different#original#Pretend. We all pretend to be someone totally different and we all lie. Some do it regularly while others do it occasionally. But we all pretend. We act and play our role in this damn drama called life. Some act so well that we believe that lies in a blink of an eye. At the sametime, some find it so hard that they start stuttering.… Read More »Pretence:

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What is Life?

Sometimes I wonder                  “What is Life?” Then my mind conjures different answers. These answers depend on the situation that I deal at that time. Once it offered the answer that ‘Life is a fine combination of : Unshed tears, trauma, struggle and determination.’ Then it presented the answer that ‘Life is actually a series of ups and… Read More »What is Life?