Aloo Denish Obiero (popularly known as Aloo Denish), is a Kenyan bioscientist (biochemist), leader, and author.
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Last Seen: Apr 6, 2024 @ 7:02am 7AprUTCFollowing0
The Shooting Star
Deep in the village, far from city's charm and gleam,Primitive childhood days, with toys of mud we'd dream,Swinging on tall tree branches,
Let Dialogue Unfurl
Leadership wrangles, a nation in turmoil,Chaos and confusion, no end to the quarrel,As leaders fight and bicker, the people suffer,Their hopes and dreams,
The Reign Of Thornbush
Evasion/Forfeiture of Leadership by the Virtuous Empowers Ascent of Unworthy Rulers; a moral narrative poem by Aloo Denish Obiero One day,
From Potential To Greatness
Potential is untapped power, not defined solely by past performance,Potential is a latent ability, not useful until put to purposeful action,Potential is a hidden capacity,